11. lotus

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(just imagine it was red hearts to match lou i beg)

Harry's pov

i am currently getting ready for the london show and i've been staring at my clothes for about 40 minutes everything i have just seems bland and ugly.

"haz cmon wet leg is finishing up let's go." my assistant says and i sigh "can you please bring sara or mitch in?" he nods and walk out.

i turn to look to the mirror and frown my hips are too wide i don't think he'd like that. just wanna like push them together to make them slightly-

sara walks in "hey baby everything okay?" i frown and look to her pointing at my clothes "nothing is pretty enough for him." i huff

"what do you mean?" she asks and i frown running a hand through my long hair "it's just so not- it's what how i want to look when he sees me i want to be beautiful for him!" she chuckles

"my love he'd love you regardless. how about you wear the pink button up with the little red hearts to match him?" she smiles and i frown

"wouldn't that be too obvious?" she shakes her head "he'll find out eventually right?" i nod and she kisses my cheek

"i have go to you'll be okay hm?" i nod and she leaves i out on the shirt and obsess over my hair for a little while before it's time to go on stage

i do my thing you know enter with a song dance around until the song finishes i give a bow

"hello everyone and welcome to love on tour!" i smile and look around the crowd for him. i search the far back and make my way to the pit and then i spot him like a few rows back from barricade

he's beautiful. he has beautiful pink eyeshadow with a few red hearts and a pink blouse with ruffles on the sleeves. he's so pretty he's holding up a sign that says something i'll look into that later

"how's everyone feeling?" i ask the crowd as i stare at louis and i can't not look at him. he is so magnetic in a crazy way. i cannot take my eyes off him i'm trying i really am

he waves at me with that beautiful sweet smile of his "hi darling" i wave back to him and he chuckles excitedly as the whole room screams

i introduce the next song and sing it looking directly at him dead in the eyes. i am so down and it's so obvious but i don't care he's so beautiful

i finish the song and smile. "let's see the signs let's see your signs!" i immediately search for louis's but it's blocked by a huge sign on the barricade

"your sign says!" i point to it and she screams "it says let me peg-" i walk off for fucks sake. "any signs?" i say now visibly annoyed. "i look over to louis and lean over to read his sign."

"your sign says every word you write about love is exactly how i feel about you." i blush and smile trying to play it off cool

"well then. well i mean cool yeah obviously no biggie just coool" i smile softly and i see him giggle that beautiful gorgeous giggle. i can just imagine how beautiful it sounds

"are you enjoying the show darling?" i ask him and he nods mouthing the words 'love it'

"i'm glad i really like your eye makeup super pretty." i say and he smiles "thank you!" he yells and i nod "very welcome my good sir." i smile sheepishly and he yells "we're matching!" i frown and look to him "we are?" yes harry put those acting classes to work

he struggles to show me as you know he's in a crowd of people then the guy next to him picks him up effortlessly and i can feel my face turn from absolute fondness to im gonna kill this motherfucker within seconds

he excitedly points to his skirt as the camera shows him "that is one pretty skirt of yours!" i say

"thank you my best friend made it!" he shouts and i smile at him.i'm his best friend.

"i love it babe." i smile and he giggles "alright put him down you had your fun." i roll my eyes and louis giggles. as the guy puts him down

i continue on with the show yes. i was looking at him the whole time it was like no one else was there

i exit the stage and smile as he waves at me i love him. like love. l o v e.

i wave at him and blow him a kiss before exiting the stage and immediately text him.

just got done with work how's the show? xx

lou boo 🌸
it just finished!! it was awesome he interacted with me so fucking much i can't wait to call about it!

and call about it he did he talked to me about it as he was taking his makeup off and both eventually fell asleep. yes on the call. i woke up to a messy haired beauty. it was the best.


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