Day of Shame

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day of 1, 5 iron blood hour we were attacked from the air,land and sea .I saw bombs falling on the cities, clouds of ju 87 and other bombers, our anti-aircraft defense destroyed many of you planes but not enough.they sent us to northern Greater Poland there applies at the border of the voivodship

and so passed the first day of the war continuous hiding from the air force iron blood. in the woods and so the whole day .....when we got there we saw a village destroyed by the air force, in this village there was a crossroads that must be maintained important for , for our supplies

We positioned ourselves between the rujinas.Several of us were laying mines on the side of the expected attack .During a moment of respite, a Ju 87 came at us .Two of our men were dead, three slightly wounded and one seriously wounded .When we had already arranged a funeral for the two, a column of our troops passed through our crossing ,Infantry ...probably the 14th division and behind it supplies

and so it passed until evening ...over and over again night it was quiet only winds and sounds from the forest nothing more.when at 1 o'clock we are woken up by the captain

captain:get up,engine can be heard,get into position

I follow the captain's order and we are in position .everyone heard the engine from the canvas and then Iron Blood vehicles appeared to us armored personnel carriers,trucks and all-terrain vehicles 

Capitan:don't shoot let them drive on mines

We were waiting when their transporter blew on a mine and exploded, their second carriage did the same, the rest of the column began to hang from the cars, and we opened fire our three heavy machine guns WZ,30, they fell one by one, as well as I shot with my rifle wz.29, I caught maybe three when they began to retreat.

and passed into the morning under fire of their artillery and the loss of another three men...we had a moment's respite from their guns

Jan:they certainly don't want to overheat their guns on us

Miko:Surely yes, or amuinicia must save like us

We are sitting like this, eating bread and waiting when we hear again the engines ....i it was a different sound, stronger power behind the trees Pz. III B. came out, opened fire at us, fired at us from rifles and cannons, one of us shot at him with an anti-tank gun, hit the turret and the shots stopped. 

Stefany:I got the bastard

Captain:get out of here

then two more tanks leave ... Stefan didn't have time to escape he got hit with a series of MG34s in the back he fell to the ground creating pools of blood around himself, we retreated to the second line of defense, but I also quickly broke through and we ran to the last line of defense

Captain: We must keep it at all costs

our fight was chaotic and fanatical, we managed to hold our position until the next day when they sent us to Pomerania, about 100 km from Gdynia, where we were supposed to defend ourselves and if something goes wrong, we are to withdraw to Gdynia immediately

when we got there there was a rumor that we were cut off from the rest of the country... it turned out to be true

Captain: We have orders

 Michał:what are the orders, Captain?

Captain: Hold the position as long as possible

everyone knows that you have to fight for Poland, for freedom, for our dreams for power and we will not be destroyed, we will not let Iron Blood win us we are Poles we will never stop fighting this is our land, our country, our home, we are lions and eagles, we are the Polish nation... and this is our fanatical and glorious fight

from the moment they got to the position there was still a fight all the time they got too close we fought with bayonets or shovels i killed one with a shovel when he tried to cover he hit him again and again hear him begging his way for mercy but... i didn't give it to him i was too aggressive and busy fighting for survival to think about these things... the war only lasts a few days and i'm already becoming animals fighting for survival when we don't fight we are normal but when it comes time to fight you are m just a pair of boots with a rifle...that's what we became nothing more...when this German fell to the ground holding his neck where I attacked him and punctured an artery I looked at him and he looked at me...I didn't want it but I had to it is war we or killed or kill...this is the law of war there are more of them but...nobody obeys them anyway...and this fight ended with our retreat somewhere into the forest where ours are waiting for us.I jump into the trenches and wait. but the attack didn't come .... we wait until the night ... the night passes peacefully only the Ju87s won't let you sleep when you hear their sirens ... those Jericho trumpets or whatever they call it ... our anti-aircraft artillery set them on fire they knock down three Ju 87s and one Me-110 I saw them all crash and burn in the sky then crash ... and our next enemies die because they were not lucky not to be hit and ours were lucky that they were hit and shot down

and so the night and the day passed peacefully too calmly we strengthened the position with whatever we could sandbags, barbed wire, mines and many more joined the Uhlan from the 15th cavalry brigade..they shared their drinks with us, each got one glass and drank at a time,they also had artillery with them and refugees from our village followed them..children, young and old looked gloomy, women on horse drawn carts looked at us with hope and pride, one part of this group came up to us and handed us one and then they went on .... I sat at my post and waited, waited .... to fight, to die, for another reason to stand and fight

(this is the end of this chapter for now, have a nice day or night)

(adios mi amigo)

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