thrusting silkworms in my eyes

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red cherrywood dream struck me past 12:07 am:

we both live in the same world where your nectar honeysuckle lips crooked above and said you never want to build a home for butterflies. i thought i was in love with you but i loved the person who planted cherry seeds with his archaic words in the holes of the wall he built for butterflies. i thought you smile bohemian rhapsody and sing italian songs.

you watch my love apple get eaten by Adam and he turns into a citric museum stone because you were friends with Medusa. but you are a sweet creature who likes to build butterflies a home;

lunga vita al mio amore per la persona che ho inventato nella mia testa. (Long live my love for the person I made up inside my head)

look how ugly he is , you scream to the world. "You're perfect", you hiss in my ears and i vomit dead butterflies in the walls of your house.

i wish i were you.

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