Chapter 1

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I was on my way back to anubis house for a new year. Last year was hectic, I mean I almost loser my girlfriend to an Egyptian sprit. I was so scared but we all survived. As I was walking I saw Eddie. I don't know why but I felt like Eddie was more than just a best mate. He felt like a brother. I went up to him. Hey i said. Fabian eddie said. How are ya I asked as we hugged. Yeah I'm good just trying to avoid Patricia he said. Why I asked. We kind of broke up and I want to avoid any awkwardness he said and I rolled my eyes. What did you do this time I asked. I didn't do anything she just broke up with me no explanation eddie said. What nothing I asked. No she said that she couldn't do it anymore and she had to start thinking of herself eddie said and that made me even more confused. That doesn't sound like Patricia I said. I don't care to be honest eddie said. Eddie I said. Just leave it let's just get back to the house he said and started walking ahead. We got to the house and I saw Nina and hugged her. I missed you I said. Missed you too she said. I then noticed Eddie disappeared. We went into the living room and saw everyone else was already here. I saw patricia and decided to speak to her. Hey Patricia can I talk to you I asked. Why she asked. Please it's important I said. She huffed and followed me to the kitchen. What is it she asked. Why did you break up with Eddie? I asked. I didn't break up with him, he broke up with me she said. What I said now I was confused. He said that he needed some time to himself and that he couldn't be with me anymore which yeah I understand but he could just solve his problems with me she said and I sighed. What is going on with him I thought. Patricia then walked away and I went to mine and Eddie's room where I saw Eddie lying on his bed. Eddie are you awake I asked and he turned around. Yeah he said. Eddie what is going on? I just spoke to Patricia and she said that you broke up with her I said and he sighed. Yeah he said. Why? What did she do? I asked. Nothing she didn't do anything Eddie said. Then why break up with her, I know you were into her I said. I was I still am he said and sighed. Eddie what is going on I asked. About a month ago I was raped he said and my jaw dropped open and Eddie started crying. I immediately went and hugged him and he leaned into my embrace. I couldn't believe Eddie was raped. 
Half an hour later:
Eddie was calm and he was still shaking but he was okay. Eddie I have to ask why did you break up with Patricia why didn't you tell her I asked. I wanted to but I didn't know how to it was easier for me to shut her out he said. Eddie she would have loved you either way I said. My mum told me not to tell anyone he said. Your mum raped you i asked and he nodded. What do you want to do? I asked. I need to tell my dad but i need time he said and I nodded. Dinner'll be ready soon I said. I'm not hungry he said. Eddie you got to eat you can't avoid Patricia forever I said and he sighed and nodded. We then went for dinner and everyone was staring at us as we walked in. Where have you been? Nina asked. With Eddie I said and she nodded. Then Eddie sat down next to me in Alfie's seat. Uh dude my seat Alfie said. Alfie just sit next to Patricia I said and he huffed but did it anyway. Wow so you break up with me with no explanation and then you're too much of a chicken to sit anywhere near me Patricia said. Patricia don't start please I said. No I want answers Eddie you wouldn't tell me then so tell me now why did you break up with me she asked. I looked at Eddie and he was frozen in place. Eddie she yelled. Just stop okay I still don't have an answer for you just leave it he yelled and stormed off. I glared at Patricia. What she said. That was totally uncalled for I said. What so he breaks up with me without any explanation and you just defend him she asked. If you knew the reason you wouldn't be acting like this I said. 

I couldn't handle the pressure, I know I should tell Patricia but how? I then heard the door open. Eddie it's just me Fabian he said. It's alright Fabian I said and he nodded and sat down on the end of the bed. You need to tell your dad he said and I sighed. I know I'm planning on it I said and he nodded. When he asked. Now I said as I grabbed my coat. Would you like me to come with you he asked. I wasn't going to ask you because I thought it would be weird I said. I don't mind he said and I nodded and he followed me out. We then got to the school and went to my dads office. I knocked on the door. Enter I heard him say and we did. Ah Edison, Fabian  what can I do for you he asked. Please call me Eddie I mumbled. Sorry he said. Hi Mr Sweet Fabian said. Anyway what can I do for you he asked. I have something to tell you I said. Already he said. Well it's something that happened over the summer I said. Is this to do with your mum he asked and I cringed at the mention of y mum. Yeah I said. What's going on he asked. Mum raped me I said and there was silence. That can't be right dad said. But it is I said. Explain to me what happened dad said and then I went and explained everything that mum had done to me and how it made me feel and by the end of it I was sobbing in Fabians arms and Fabian was trying to calm me down. Eddie i'm so sorry dad said. She wants me back there for holidays but I don't think I can dad I said. No way are you going back to that monster you can stay here permantely and we'll figure everything else later dad said and I nodded and wiped my eyes. When we got back to the house I went straight to my room not even caring that it was only 7:30 and that everyone would be chilling in the living room and Fabian was following me. I collapsed on the bed relieved. Okay? Fabian asked. I'm relieved that dad knows because I don't have to go back with my mum but i'm scared he'll tell everyone and then Patricia will know the truth about why we really broke up I said. Would it be bad if she knew the truth he asked. Yeah but i'd rather it come from me not him I said and he nodded. Well get some rest and I'll see you in the morning Fabian said and I fell into a deep sleep.

I felt so bad for Eddie, he was hurting so badly. I sighed. What was I meant to do? Nina then walked in.
"Nina." I said.
"Hey Fabes." she said.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"I am are you?" she asked.
"Yeah fine just worried about Eddie." I said.
"Yeah you should be." she said
"I think I should get some sleep in case Eddie wakes up." I said.
"Is Eddie okay?" she asked.
"No Nina he isn't." I said and she walked out. I sighed. What can I do about this?

the next morning:
Eddie was exhausted, he had woken up multiple times in the night from nightmares, he was currently asleep when Trudy walked in.
"Hey sweetie Mr Sweet would like to see you." Trudy said.
"Now?" I asked.
"Yeah well he said that he needs to speak to you about something important." she said and I nodded before I texted Alfie to ask him to watch over Eddie. When he arrived I then left to see Sweetie. I knocked on his door when I arrived. I then went in.
"Fabian ah take a seat." he said and I sat.
"What was so urgent? I am worried about Eddie he had a bad night." I said.
"Ah yes I have been keeping something from you Fabian." he said.
"What?" I asked.
"I am your dad Fabian." he said and I looked at him shocked.
"No my dad is dead!" I said.
"Your adopted dad is," he said.
"I am adopted!" I said and he nodded.
"Yes which means..." he said.
"Eddie is my brother." I said and I don't know I just ran.

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