17: I can't Forgive You

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Nandini's pov

"Arghhh!... He tell me that there is a girl... Nandini before you I was a flirty guy A one night stand type boy I always used girls for fun... He told me there is a girl who want to spend a night with me so I agreed... I was drunk that night and I really don't remember anything... He told me I did sex with a girl and..."


"That girl was you Nandini"

I was shocked!

"What... What you mean" I hope it's not what I'm thinking. He sat on his knees crying hard.

"I'm your culprit Nandini I... I ruined your life" he was crying. I wasn't looking at him.

I left his hand and he looked up towards me.

"Nandini say something please... I was drunk and I didn't knew anything I was told The girl herself wants to... Nandini I swear I'm not lying I swear I didn't knew anything please don't hate me please trust me"

"How can you do this to me Manik" I finally speak

"I never wanted to Nandini trust me"

"I was screaming that day... I was asking you to stop... I was asking for help aloud still you continued" I choked. "All these years I was hating the wrong person... I hate Arnav when actually he isn't wrong"


"How can I choose the wrong person again?"

"Please don't say this I beg you... I'm telling you I still don't remember that day Nandini I was drunk I wasn't in my senses trust me"

"I can't! I can't trust you anymore even if I do what will change? The fact that my husband the guy I trusted the most after years the guy I loved the most after years is actually my rapist?"

"Don't say that"

"Why? Why not you should have the courage to listen about your deeds Mr. Manik Malhotra"

"I'm swearing Nandini It wasn't intentionally"

"Still it can't change anything... It can't change the fact that I hate myself... I can't get everything back... I can't get my mom back I can't get those years back Which I wasted because of fear... How will you return me those days? How will you return me my mom? Can you?" I asked


"Mr. Manik Officer is waiting for you" one of the officer said.

"I'm coming" He looked back at me. "I know I can't give you what you have lost Nandini and I know maybe you will never forgive But I won't be able to stand the fact that you hate me... I'm going to accept everything inside and I Will make sure to get the punishment but... Please stop hating me Nandini"

"I can't... I can't stop myself from hating you and yes I can't forgive you as well"


"Please Manik! I don't want to see you" Saying so I left from there.

Coming to my old house I sat besides bed crying hard. Why life is so unfair to me? I fallen in love with my rapist? How will I forgive him? It will always remind me of those days which I hate the most

So what if he was drunk... So what if Abhi asked him to do that? I was crying that night telling him to stop but he didn't

A week later:

He is still in jail... Its been a week now. Abhi saved himself somehow and I chose to let him because Abhinash has no fault in this why I make that small boy suffer? And what about Mukti?

Abhi apologized to me but I asked him not to show me his face again. Today I have decided to meet Manik. I'm gling to take my complain back Because If Abhi is not getting the punishment then why Manik is? He isn't the only one to blame.

And moreover giving them punishments can't give me my life back, Those years back and specially my mom back.

When he will be out I will divorce him because after all these things I can't be with him

Manik's pov

It's been A week I'm staying here and trust me I don't regret. I just think about her if she is okay or not.

"Manik someone is here to see you" the officer said. I sigh because I know its Abhi.

Coming out I saw Nandini I turned around to leave but her voice stopped me.

"Stop!" I didn't turned. "Manik look at me" she said but I choose to ignore. I can't look at her I am ashamed. "MANIK.LOOK.AT.ME" I turned around

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Sit" she sat on a chair while I sat in front of her. I was still looking down "Manik look into my eyes"

"I can't"

"You have to!"

"Nandini please don't push me"

"Or else? You will again rape me?" I looked at her. "What happened? Last time you raped me because your brother asked this time you will do on your own what's the difference"

"I don't want to talk to you" I was getting up but she held my arm forcing me to sit.

"Now you understand why I hate Mafia so much" she said. "Manik I'm taking my complain back you will be free tomorrow"

"No! You can't do this!"

"Why? Why can't I? I don't want you here anymore because I know its not a punishment here you yourself wanted to come here... I will give you the worst punishment Manik"

"Do whatever you want Nandini I won't stop you because I know I deserve everything"

"Good... I'm giving you a divorce Mr. Manik Malhotra"

"No you can't do that?"

"Why? You were just saying you can do anything then why not this?"

"Nandini This is a life time punishment Please don't do this to me I'm not the only culprit I accept I made a mistake but... Nandini please"

"I know its A life time punishment that is why I want to divorce I can't stay with you... It reminds me of that horror night. It reminds me of everything I have went through"

"You can't do this to me Nandini I love you please don't do this!"

"I'm doing Manik and I don't love you anymore" saying so she got up and left.

I punched the table harshly.


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