Chapter one

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Y/n's POV

I was born as an only child. My mother and father were trying to find their place in life. I wish I could say they had a lot of money and didn't have to worry about anything, but I can't. In the place we lived it was hard to get a job, most works were related to being a farmer. A small village in the middle of nowhere. My parents were a young marriage, they were together for only a year before I was born. They were renting the house, because they couldn't afford buying one. We lived close to my grandparents, only to move again and again. Two times I think. Once the house we lived in burned after being struck with lightning, we moved to my grandparents. I was still little, so I know it from my mother. I also know that after the wedding my father turned out to be an asshole. He wanted to be in control all the time, he was impulsive and couldn't really stay in one place. This is where the first real chapter of my life starts.

We moved far away, basically half of the country away from our family. First my father, then my mother joined him with me. I was two by that time. Again, I know those early times only from the tales. My father and mother worked their asses off, but since they worked in the same place they lived at, it was easy to watch over me. Mom took me with her everywhere she went. I was a loud kid, but something serious had to happen to piss me off. Kinda ironic, when I look at myself now.

But I digress.

We lived on the low line again, as I mentioned, both of my parents were working, but it didn't bring much money. Still, my mother gritted her teeth and kept us there. Once I was around five, my father wanted to move again. My mother said a firm no, after all I was about to go to school. My father didn't listen, they were arguing more and more, until father moved out. By the moment I went to school, they got divorced.

Beside my father promising me that he will visit, he was taking me for summer break to his side of the family. Shame he was leaving me with my uncle and his family, and went to work or somewhere else himself. Don't get me wrong, my cousins, grandma and uncle are okay, though my aunt always made fun of my weight.

Ah yes. That. I was a chubby kid to say the least. My terrible diet and lack of movement was to blame, but how can you expect me to eat healthy, full meals, when I was alone most of the time. Yeah, when I was six, seven years old, I was making my own sandwiches, or cereal, since mom was at work and I was eating from pure boredom as well. No one also minded when I spent the whole day by the TV or my first computer. At least I wasn't a kid that stuck utensils in the outlets.

Still, I had my friends, or so I would call them back then. We were all into computer games, some of us more than the others. We stuck together, though at some point something started to break. I remember that moment, when I was heavily sick for two weeks. Once I came back to school I found out that I was kicked out of our little pack. I felt the disappointment, then anger. It just hurt. After few weeks they took me back, again no reason given. Call me stupid, but I was like ten with no friends at the time. I fucking needed them back. So once the chance was there, I took it.

Moving to me being twelve, oh what a year it was. So first, I found out that my father is having a kid with someone. My mother got into a relationship with a guy nine years older than me. My friends kicked me out of the gang again. And I was starting Junior High. I didn't know where I stood. Everything I knew was being taken away from me at once. I knew that my father will give me even less attention, heck, it was almost non-existent already. My mother basically ignored me and took her boyfriend's side in everything. And to top it all, my new classmates were awful. Thing is that my ex-friends were in the same class I was. None of them helped me when I was bullied, they even helped the assholes too. In the first year of the Junior High I was already a broken kid. I had no idea how will I survive those three years of this hell. Every single day my stuff were thrown away, I was being called names, and the teachers instead of reacting, were laughing too. Yeah, I still remember my P.E. teacher laughing as I was being bullied during her class.

I started building the walls around myself. I ended up throwing all the ties I had with people around me and understood, that if I won't fight for myself, no one will. Until this day I hate when someone tells a bullied kid to not to react, they will get bored. No, they won't. They will just push the boundary of what they can allow themselves to do to you. So I balled my fist for the first time in that school and got into a fight with one of my tormentors. I knew I could punch, back in Primary School I was fighting a lot, though it was mostly for just fun with my buddies. The asshole was shocked when he fell to the floor from my hit. I was ready to lash at the other, but we were stopped by the janitor. Immediately taken to the Principal's office. Both of us got a talk about how violence is unacceptable in her school and that was off. It was laughable for me. It was just the beginning.

My life changed once more, when my mother and her boyfriend split up. They didn't last long, but it was a good information for me. At least he didn't have any kid with her, that would be really bad.

I mastered the art of getting into fights and not getting caught. I knew where to drag my opponent so the surveillance cameras in school wouldn't see me. Those guys were coming to school beaten up, so have I, but they looked way worse. It was then, when I started having people on my side around. I didn't open up to them, I just kept the as some sort of pets. They were there, it was good. No? Fine with me also.

Next step, that I took was working on my looks. I hated myself. I tried different diets, that weren't too smart, but in the end I started working out a bit at the gym in our school as well. My body started to change and it was becoming visible to the opposite gender. In the second year of Junior High I had my first love. We got together and it was cool for first two months. I really felt like I could move mountains. I thought it would last forever. Teenage, "unbreakable", naïve love. Yeah naïve is a good word, because I found out she was cheating on me. I broke up with her and I was devastated. Walls up again, twice as thick this time. 

Since it was my bully she went with, I decided to take my revenge. I made use of my fairly good looks and picked up his girlfriend, once he got one. Then, I deliberately destroyed their relationship by sending him the picture of her beside me in my room. Needless to say we got into a big fight next day. I broke his nose and gave him blackeye, while I just had a split lip. From that day on one night stands were my thing.

My mother found another asshole to date, this time fourteen years older than her. Even though he was an adult dude, with his own kids all grown up, he acted like he was fifteen. Immature, annoying, dumb beyond belief, do I have to say we weren't getting along? But again, my mother had her attention on him, well, this time it suited me. I could chase all the skirts I wanted and no one minded me too much.

With the fights, flirting and being a general problem to the teachers, I graduated from Junior High. Now someone could ask me about my grades. I hated math, still loathe it, but I was great with music, languages, literature and chemistry. Also I.T. stuff were interesting for me. I could fix anything, I learned to play the guitar. Some said I had a good voice, but I never really got into singing. But I did use music to learn. I was writing down the lyrics of the songs into a notebook. Then I was translating them with a wordbook in my hand. After that, all I had to do was learning the song. Then next one, rinse and repeat. This way I learned English so well, I was the best in my school...after finals I found out I was one of the best in the country.

Now I'm at the gates of High School. Today is my first day in Rakuzan High, how did I get here, I have no idea. Oh, no wait. I do. That's because I'm a lingual genius. I adjusted my tie, ran my hand through my short, messy hair and stepped forward, ready for what was coming my way.  

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