Chapter thirty eight

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Three weeks later

Y/n took the offer of work his mother gave him. He was supposed to be a waiter at the restaurant she was the manager off, from time to time he would make fries in the bar or sell a fresh fish. Not the top of his ambitions, but he could have his own money. He wasn't happy about spending less time with Vergilia and their friends, but they all encouraged him to work. They were right, he could have some kind of financial independence. It was going okay...Or was it?

Y/n's POV

I hate that damn part-time job. Yes, I knew what it was all about, and I knew it won't be all peachy but I would do anything to no to work with customers face to face. How can you be so rude to someone who does their job? How can they treat me like shit, just because they are the customers? My arms hurt, my back hurt from the whole day on my legs and they acting like bitches and assholes just because I serve them for that one moment?

I'm sorry, I'm pissed off.

Especially when I look at my paycheck. I get paid every Sunday evening for the whole weekend. Other waiters get more than I do, even though I stay until the closing time. Yes, I start later than they do, but they go home earlier. I have 75% here of what I should get and let me tell you, I am pissed off. I got up and came to my mother, sitting on the living room.

-Keep those pennies and never ask me to come to work in the bar again. - I said. - I'm wasting my time for almost nothing. That's not our deal.

-You work less than the others do, plus you come to work later than they do. - she answered, making me even more angry. That's what she always says. - Don't you also think you should participate in the bills?

-What bills?! Everything is paid by your boss, we don't cover it. And in what moment I did less than the others? My legs dig into my ass, my back hurt and I deal with the clients just like the others. - I really tried to not to yell, but it wasn't easy.

-Stop acting like your father and end the discussion. - she said, another thing that she knew would piss me off.

-I'm not going to work at the bar anymore. - I stated firmly.

-Then you are moving out. - I widened my eyes. She really wanted to have her way. - Don't think your girlfriend's parents will support you for nothing.

-Then I will go to work when I will be treated in a fair way. - I said and went back to my room, slamming the door.

I looked around the room in anger, probably looking for something I could smash against the wall. I stomped to the kitchen, took four trash bags without glancing at my mother. I threw my clothes and stuff in them. I put my guitar in the case and called Vergilia.

-Hey Mouse, I have a problem. - I said.

-What happened? - Vergilia sounded concerned.

-Can I stay at your apartment until I will get a job and find a place to rent? - I asked.

-No, you can't. - Vergilia said, shocking me. - You are staying at my apartment, period. Did your mom give you a hard time again?

-Yeah, we got in an argument over my shitty paycheck and she told me to either move out or shut up and do what she says.

-Pack up, I will be there soon with dad. - Vergilia said.

-See you soon. - I said. - And Vergie?- I hoped she didn't hang up on me yet.

-Yes? - she was still there.

-Thank you. - I whispered, my voice kinda shaking. As much as my mother angered me, that still fucking hurt.

-Anytime. - she answered. - Get ready.

-I'm already packed. - I said.

-Good, we will pick you up soon. -Vergilia said and hung up.

3rd POV

Y/n waited for around half an hour until he got a message from Vergilia that they were on the spot. Y/n grabbed two bags in his hand and walked out.

-No need to throw you stuff away. - his mother said in a mocking manner.

-I'm just doing what you wanted, moving out. - Y/n answered, not stopping his tracks.

He walked out to see Sparda's Nissan on the driveway. He got out of the car along with Vergilia. Y/n walked up to them and threw the two bags in the trunk.

-That's all? - Sparda asked.

-I have three more along with the guitar and the amplifier. - Y/n answered, frown on his face.

-Are you okay? - Vergilia asked him after giving him a hug.

-I will live. - Y/n said with a sigh. -At least I will have some peace now.

-Don't worry about anything. - Sparda pat Y/n's shoulder. - Finish school, then I will set you up with a job. You're safe.

Sparda and Y/n went inside to get the rest of Y/n's stuff. Y/n's mother was sitting on the couch, anger on her face. Y/n felt so satisfied that he didn't give in. He was also grateful to whoever or whatever was watching over him for Vergilia and her family.

-Once you leave, don't come back. -Y/n's mother said. - That's what I said to your father, now I say that to you.

-Both of you are messed up and I have enough of that bullshit. - Y/n answered, grabbing the guitar and the amplifier, while Sparda had the bags.

-You should be ashamed of how you treat your son. - said Sparda.

-He should be ashamed of how he treats me. - Y/n's mother answered to that.

-You'll only waste your breath. - Y/n sighed.

Sparda only shook his head and walked out of the house with Y/n. They packed the rest of his stuff in the car and got in. Y/n laid his head on Vergilia's shoulder as they rode to her place. Vergilia rubbed his shoulder to comfort him. The ride was silent and didn't last long. Since it was quite late, they just carried Y/n's stuff in the house. Sparda also proposed to that that they could stay at home on Monday, but Y/n refused.

-Vergilia's grades will be fine. -Sparda reassured. - Unless Committee needs you.

-Yeah, I prefer to be in control. - Y/n chuckled. - Why do I suddenly feel so light?

-Because the stress was taken off of you. - Vergilia said and hugged her boyfriend. - Let's go to sleep, you must be tired after work.

-I didn't get too much time to rest. -he sighed. - Thanks for being there for me. It really means a lot.

-No worries. - said Sparda. - When I said I think of you as my son, I meant it. I'm leaving the two of you, see you later.

Vergilia and Y/n walked Sparda to the car and watched as he drive off. Then they walked back in the house. They made some sandwiches for supper and ate them on the couch in front of the TV. Vergilia massaged Y/n's back lightly.

-I'm getting sleepy. - Y/n muttered, his head on Vergilia's chest.

-Then let's go to bed. - Vergilia said.- And tomorrow, after school, we will unpack you.

-Good plan. - Y/n smiled lightly. - But I'm so comfortable.

-I have sweets upstairs. - Vergilia whispered in Y/n's ear. She laughed as Y/n immediately jumped out and pulled her up to her feet.

-Let's go then. - he said.

They went to the bedroom. Y/n grabbed his pajamas and toothbrush from one of the bags and went to the shower. In the meantime, Vergilia got changed and waited for Y/n in bed. He joined her shortly. They snuggled up to each other and fell asleep.  

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