Chapter seven

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Y/n was greeted with his girlfriend's angry face right after he stepped through the school gate. "Way to start the week" he thought, before he focused on what she wanted from him.

-How could you, you asshole? - she jumped at him. - Yuui is bragging about the weekend she spent with guess-who?!

-What did you expect? - Y/n chuckled. -You cheat on me with Yuri, eating his face off in the restaurant, it's fine. And you're having problem with me spending time with an old acquittance?

-Did you follow me? - Victoria paled.

-Kotarou saw you when he was on the date with his girlfriend. - Y/n answered, still smiling. - Come on babe, you know that our compassion for one another was never too big. Let's forget it and move on with our day, shall we?

-You are an asshole. - she said.

-I know. - Y/n answered. - Will it make it okay, if I say that you are a better kisser?

-So you forgive me? - she asked. 

-Sure, nothing serious happened after all. Now excuse me, my pager calls me. - Y/n pecked her cheek and ran off to attend the call.

He arrived soon after, to see Akaza holding down two guys, while Rangiku was holding another one. Y/n adjusted his badge and asked what happened.

-They were bullying the girl over there. - Rangiku said and motioned on a girl standing against the wall. Y/n's made sure his frown softened, before he approached her.

-Is that true? - he asked her, to which she nodded.

-They do it ever since the school started, they are in my class. - she said. Y/n nodded, before he turned to his team members.

-Make them stand up. - he said. They obeyed but still made sure the three weren't able to run away. - Tell me boys why are you being the pains on the ass for her. - they were silent. - Start talking before I will do what I want to do. And even Hibari won't save you. - one of them tried to give him a reason, but apart from struggling with his words, he wasn't able to. - Silence. Since you failed to provide me any reason, I assume you are just morons with low self-esteem. I could send you to Hibari, I could send you to the Principal, but I won't. You will receive a single punishment right now. - Y/n turned to the girl for a moment, before he said a single word. - Enjoy. - then he turned back around to the three.

Much to Rangiku's and Akaza's surprise, Y/n punched each bully straight in the jaw, sending them to the ground.

-I changed my mind, you are going to Hibari too. - he said to the bullies, then he smiled and turned around to the girl. - You too please, you will tell Hibari about all they did today and earlier.

Time skip

Y/n didn't have to attend maths, thanks to the case they were dealing with. After sorting out the punishment for the bullies, Y/n was asked to stay behind in Hibari's office.

-Well done. - was all Kyoya said. - The personal team is indeed a help, isn't it?

-I must admit yes, I just arrived to have the three morons already on the floor. - Y/n answered. - You were right.

-That's why I'm not able to run the Committee alone, and you won't be to, once you take over. - Hibari said. - We need to trust people. Just a tiny bit, just enough to have the bigger thing working right. Now the meeting is done, back to the class.

On Y/n way to the classroom, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. Y/n kept walking, his next class was in the classroom nearby. He spotted Akashi waiting for him, with the papers in his hand.

-Notes for you. - said Seijurou, handing him the papers. - I know you won't study, but I thought it would be good to read them at least once.

-Thanks. - Y/n smiled as he put the papers in his maths notebook.

-I also heard you made up with Victoria. - Seijurou mentioned.


-You know, you deserve better, right? -Akashi said, looking at Y/n.

-Wrong, I'm a wreck. - Y/n sighed. - And the one I may fancy is way out of my league, so I won't do anything about it. Love comes and goes, so this little crush will also go.

-So do you love Victoria? - Akashi was genuinely curious now.

-I... - Y/n hesitated. - ...don't know. But she's around, that's all that matters.

Akashi didn't pressure more, since they walked in the classroom. They went to their desks next to each other and sat down. Y/n glanced at Vergilia, reading a book. Poems by William Blake, Y/n didn't have to check or ask. She always read them. Y/n leaned on his desk and closed his eyes for a nap.  

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