Grimwalker part 2- Back from the dead

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Hunters POV

Uh oh

I tensed up. That voice. Vee was shivering, and Gus, Amity, Willow and Luz were feeling an equal amount of confusion and fear.

No it can't be! He should be dead!

"In fact I know all of these people quite personally." The man continued.

Then, he stepped into the light. Belos.

I gripped the chair, got up and yelled.

"You shouldn't be alive!" I shouted. The rest of the hexsquad gasped. "Go back to where you came from you liar and just go die!" My sudden boldness seemed it even confused Belos a bit.

"Just. Like. Caleb." Belos spat sourly. Hunter heart raced uncontrollably, and he started to hyperventilate. He looked down and he felt cold. He started shivering and his eyes started to feel very heavy.

"Hunter!" Is the last thing he heard before he collapsed.


Willows POV

I ran over to Hunter in distress.

"Hunter!" I shook his limp body. He was still breathing, but the trauma of Halloween's night still haunted me. What if I lost him again? "Wake up! Wake up!" I desperately tried to wake Hunter up.

Luz yelled out in anger. "How are you alive? We defeated you!!" She cried. Belos just snorted.

"You defeated me, yes. But you forgot out one thing. My allies. Guess who got cloned and then had his memories transferred to the new body through magic, hm?" The Belos clone smirked. I looked up and Belos then back down at Hunter. I picked him up.

"Get them." Belos sneered. The group couldn't do anything as they were taken by the people.

"Hunter! Wake up!" Luz yelled. "You're a grimwalker, you guys must have some weakness!?"

But truely, how long did Belos expect he'd be able to keep me in a cell? Pssh, he knew nothing. I'll use my powers to get out.

- once in cells

I didn't expect to use my powers to get out, just to get to Hunter. Also there aren't any plants so I had to use a different technique.

Wail at the top of my fucking lungs until they let me be with him.

And with that I just started to do so. I don't fucking care how long it takes.

- about 2 hours after she started wailing.

"Oh, make it stop! What do you want?!" The guard asked.

"I just want to be with the blonde boy. Then I'll shut up." I said.

"No can do, little witch." The guard said. I frowned.

And began wailing again.

I could tell the guard was trying to resist, but I just kept going.

"Ok, ok! Just stop! Please, it hurts my ears." The guard said. He threw me in the cell with Hunter and I ran up and hugged him tightly.

"I thought I'd lost you again." She mumbled while burying her face in his chest. "Do that once more and I'll kill you myself." She mumbled.

Willow could see Gus and Amity in one cell and Vee in another, but she couldn't see Luz. But that was the least of her problems. Hunter kept passing out, and she didn't know why.

"Stop dying." I hissed when he woke up.

"I'm not tryna." He said, looking at me with those goddamn big brown eyes. Fuck, he was too cute. "Ok, ok." I said patting him. Maybe if I got him to purr, he'd stop dying on me. I couldn't tell if he was half-asleep or half-dead anymore.

"God if weren't so cute I'd be killing you right now, you know that right?" I asked. He nodded. He kissed my head and just held me with him. We'd get out soon, and kill this new Belos. The old one was like 300 years old, this one can't be as strong or good at stuff. And I knew a grimwalkers weakness. The stonesleeper lungs. That's why Hunter purred. I jumped a bit as the cage was opened. It was Belos. In a sudden moment of impulsiveness, I lunged at him and swiped at him like a cat before trying to tackle him to the ground. So much easier than the other Belos. Hunter smirked and joined me. This had been so easy, why did we even worry? I grabbed the guards keys and opened our cells. This was childsplay!

Luz came running down the corridor and she was laughing!

"Heyyy guys!" She said. She ran up to us and jumped on the Belos lying on the ground. He did not think that plan through. Welp, with another squashed Belos, he would truely begone. I hope. But it didn't matter, new grimlwalkers couldn't do shit.

That was way funnier than it should have been.

-Y'all needed something to be scared about and then it turns out it's nothing to worry about. Lol.

Baiiiii bb soon

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