Chapter iii: invasion

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As they neared the time keeper planet Rodav asks the cyborg what is the plan how could they destroy their planet, the cyborg explained they'd been there before for trade deals and negotiators and they have a big super computer witch is the source of all life on the planet and keeps the time keepers alive, it is were their source of knowledge comes from and is what makes the time keepers all knowing, Rodav butted in and suggested if they download a virus onto the computer that deletes all the knowledge the time keepers need the planet will blow up, the cyborg nodded his head as if to say Rodav was spot on.

With a plan arranged They entered the atmosphere and  landed on the outskirts of the time keeper base, the ships behind landed and thousands of ships covered the fields of the planet, they stepped out of their ships and marched toward the gates of the base.

Rodav led the charge and as they got to the door he threw a smoke bomb under the door and it rolled inside, it started to smoke and smoke filled the room then after struggling to open the door Rodav kicked it down and they swung open and Rodav pointed and the cyborg men rushed into the room shooting time keepers, they ran at the sight of the new enemy.

They tried to flee in all directions and some got caught in the gun fire and fell down onto the floor and got shot, Rodav stood there as the smoke submerged him and Crygon looked up at him in fear and ran for his wife to hide in safety in the pod room.

Many time keepers held out staffs trying to attack the cyborgs but they got shot and many time keepers fell to the floor and died, Rodav and a bunch of other cyborgs behind him to protect him ran to the time table room and they went down the stairs leading to the underground area shooting time keepers as they went.

On the underground Rodav saw a big console and screen with branches coming out of it, the tree of life the source of the time keeper planet, Rodav put his metallic hand in the computer port and a loading screen came up saying downloading virus, the branches on the tree sparked red and Rodav and the cyborgs moved back upstairs and out of the base and back to their ships.

One of the time keepers rushed downstairs and saw the loading screen load a virus and he tried to type on the console hut the loading screen wasn't going away, the time keeper panicked and started bashing the  keyboard but that didn't work either. The time keeper sweated down his face because there was nothing he could do, he ran up to Crygon in the pod room and said Rodav sent a virus on the super computer and now the planet was about to blow, Crygon told him not to worry and to go and protect and save the injured and see if anybody needs help, the time keeper ran back out and into the main chamber to help injured time keepers.

Rodav and the rest got in their ships and lifted off back into space and Rodav had a grin on his face knowing that soon he will have his revenge.

They made their way towards cyborg planet and Crygon saw them leave out the window and him and his wife contemplated life, soon a fiery explosion was seen sprouting up from the outskirts of the town and he and his wife put the babies in the pods, they shut and they lifted off into space, Crygon hoped they'll go somewhere safe espessil, his son because if somebody captured his son they would use his special powers for evil if he was handed by the wrong people so he sent a video message to his son on hologram witch played in the pod he was in asking him to be careful were ever he was.

Crygon held hands with Lillandra and looked out the window at the explosions coming toward them they anticipated their deaths, they held hands tight and the explosion shattered the glass and submerged the room with fire, the planet blew to bits and shattered into a million bits and Rodav saw in the rear mirror and he smiled on his victory. He wished his men well done and the cyborgs cheered and they hit hyper speed and flew back toward cyborg planet.

They landed and Rodav's human form thanked the soliders for helping with his flawless victory and suddenly the form started glowing and vanishing, the human form floated back into the tube and absorbed into the meaty creature form and the blob creature consumed the human's forms power, Rodav was once again complete.

The cyborgs shut down and then the next morning they turned on again and the male cyborg ripped his charger out from his chest and opened the door standing there in rows of thousands was the entire population of the planet, the male cyborg let them into the basement because they knew they were here to see Rodav, the thousands marched down the stairs and stood in front of Rodav in his meaty form in his tube  floating in the green juice and they looked up in awe and fascination, they all kneeled and the sound of the cyborgs getting on their knees echoed throughout the planet and the cyborgs bowed their head worshipping Rodav, he had become their new leader.Rodav had all the cyborgs for his command they were his army and he could use them how he wanted and the Cyborgs would follow the orders, Rodav felt like a god again, he felt all powerful having an army to command once again, the planet worshipped him and he had turned the whole planet against the time keepers and made their systems rebel making them develop a hatred, this was Rodav's army.

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