Chapter 24: revelation

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Crygon stood at the desk with his hands on the top of the table and Mulk was pacing back and forth asking about how he'll rescue the others and how they'll defeat Rodav because the hero army they gathered was gone and Rodav was too powerful for the three of them to defeat, they cycled back to stage one.

Crygon turned round, he had an idea, he told Mulk to calm down and explained as Rodav was a new threat but someone he knew more personally they could go back in time and find out Rodav's origins so they can find his weakness.

Mulk thought this was a good idea and Crygon held his golden staff and Crygon told Mulk and Leroy to put their hand on it, they each put their hand on the staff and he tapped it on the floor making a loud boom, the staff glowed bright gold and the clock hands at the top went round really fast and Crygon scrolled the dial up to set a location to Cyborg planet  because Rodav was with the Cyborgs so it was obvious were Rodav was from, a purple void came up behind them and swallowed them up and they traveled to the year 222.

They arrived on a grey wasteland covered in metal cyborg parts and Mulk asked were they were and Crygon explained this is Cyborg planet in its prime during its feud with the time keepers, Crygon pointed at a green planet with a ring round it in the distance, he told Mulk that that was Nebulon IV before it was blown up by the Cyborgs and Leroy stared and said woah in amazement.

Mulk asked what time they were in ?and He explained that this was 222, the exact date Rodav crash landed and Mulk asked how they knew he hadn't already crashed already? And Crygon said because alarms would be sounding and the whole city would be out to help transport the container he was in.

Suddenly Crygon,'s gold staff started to tingle, he told Mulk that it sensed an anomaly and looked up into the sky and saw a purple portal close and suddenly a shooting star emerged and flew through the night sky and they saw a meteor like object surrounded in fire flying straight toward the planet, Crygon pointed up at the burning object and said they were just in time, the object got closer and flew over the heroes heads and they ducked and it landed with a loud crash and crunch in the metal.

Crygon said let them go and have a look, they trudged through the metal parts making a crunching and clacking noise, they got closer and saw a breathing mass of cut up bloody flesh, as they got closer the sound of a name was coming from it, it sounded like it was saying Zohan with each lifeless breathe, Crygon and Leroy and Mulk stopped with the flesh mass at its feet and again they heard it call out Zohan, and each time the name got so distorted it turned into Rodav, in mumbled wounded breaths

Crygon turned to Mulk and asked if he could hear that? The name Zohan, who they imprisoned a few years ago and formally known as Watson his son, his eyes went big, and he raised his hands and told Mulk this this was were they sent Watson, his son, that would mean it was Watson who ordered the attack on Nebulon IV and blew it up, Crygon breathed heavy and hyperventilated saying his son was the downfall of the Time keepers and he put his hands on his face rubbing his face and kept on saying that he could of sent Watson to the sun and prevented all this from happening, Mulk grabbed his shoulders and shook him telling him to keep his cool and asked what happened next?

Crygon was teary eyed and set the dial to 223 and pressed the button, the staff started to glow and the clock hands moved fast again and the purple void swallowed them up and spat them back out and they landed in a red landscape in the courtyard of a big city with ships looming overhead just like the ones on Earth and Mulk asked were they were and Crygon explained in Cyborg planet, Crygon watched as Rodav and the Cyborgs threw a grenade harming him who was standing with his wife Lilandra and Mulk pointed and told Crygon there he was and told him his wife was beautiful with her braided hair and purple glittery satin dress.

And Crygon said he misses her and they witnessed his last moments before the planet blew up and Crygon cried saying it was all Watson and pressed the button and the void swallowed them back up and they came back to Cyborg planet later and Mulk asked what happened next? And the Crygon said just watch, Mulk and Leroy saw Watson in his human form tell Rodav the message was sent to the time keepers then they watched as Crygon and the other time keepers jumped out and tried to blast Rodav with their staffs but Watson got sucked into a time void Rodav planted and it closed on Watson trapping him forever and the time keepers kept firing and Rodav disappeared, then Crygon stood in the empty room and realised Watson's monster form wanted revenge for attacking Rodav and Watson betraying him, he wanted vengeance on the time keepers and he had it there on Earth.

Mulk asked if Watson fell into the void and got trapped maybe because there are two Watson's and Watson one fell into the void and is probably out there somewhere floating in the dead of space time.

Then it came to Crygon maybe Mulk was on to something, maybe Mulk was right and he explained that because Rodav had Watson in him Watson was the key to destroying Rodav and so Crygon said they need to travel back in time and bring back Watson.

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