Chapter 15: convincing colossi

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Mulk  flew to the crater and saw the hole the colossi people lived in and saw it had gotten bigger, advanced as time went on.

Mulk flew in the hole and saw the colossi people doing their own things, living life, Mulk flew down there and the leader was giving a sermon in front of alter in front of a crowd of colossi people.

Mulk landed in front of the alter and the Colloseraptor leader wearing an orange jumpsuit recognised Mulk and pointed up to him with his free arm and asked what Mulk wanted,Mulk explained he needs them to come up because the city was under attack by aliens and since the Colossi people are aliens they'll know how to help with this kind of threat, so Mulk asked them to come up from underground and help them fight.

The orange Colossi leader asked what species of alien are invading because they might know them from before they landed and burrowed on Earth.
Crygon stepped forward and explained these invaders were the Cyborgs, long time rivals of the Time keepers and as soon as Crygon uttered the word Cyborg a memory unlocked for the Colossi leader and his people, his eyes turned bright red for a second and he looked at Crygon and he told him he and the time keepers used to come to their home planet Colossi Twelve to discuss alliances and then the leader Colossi explained that yes the Cyborgs are familiar because after destroying Nebulon IV the Cyborgs found out about their secret alliance with the Time keepers and they came down in their ships for an unexpected attack.

The cyborgs landed on Colossi 12 and they got out of their ships and the leader who was on the run way and asked if they had been in a secret alliance with the Time keepers and of course he shook his head trying to avoid the situation and instead saluted to the cyborg instead and the cyborg wasn't going to be fooled he could spot a fake salute and knew the Colossi was lying because of the cyborgs built in lie detectors, nobody could get away with it, the Cyborgs explained their missions were to destroy anybody close or allies to the Time keepers and the Colossi people were allies if the in built lie detector was accurate.

The leader gestured to the cyborg guards and told his men beside him to capture the Colossi peoplr, the colossi leader said they will not go, the colossi pressed an alarm in his suit warning all Colossi on the planet to run because there was invaders and to hide in their hide away homes in the planets floor. The Colossi people sealed themselves in but the Cyborgs ripped the circular seals off and swung them like frisbees onto the floor and when they landed they made a loud clanking sound, the Cyborgs reached up the Colossi peoples shoulders but they struggled and kicked and screamed, the Colossi people were lifted up by their shoulders and used their feet kicking the bottom of the top of the entrance to the hole activating a button, the button revealed another door at the side to help them if the first door was ever ripped off like an emergency door with the chances the chances the attackers arms would get lopped off and they could go back to hide safe like a defence mechanism
The secondary door slid across the Colossi's waist and it tore across separating their legs and body and they were  all crying out because the pain was excruciating, but unfortunately the Colossi didn't fall safe into the hole, the Cyborgs pulled the Colossi up and they were screaming in pain to be let go, red faced, blue tears running down their face.

The colossi people smacked the Cyborg people with their arms and they followed the head council colossi to their ships in the hanger bay, they crawled to the hanger bay and reached up to put the code in the keypad and it accepted and the doors slid open and they all rushed to the ships to escape.

The leader Colossi was left and he saw the Cyborg leader going to the planets main computer that kept the planet alive and stuck his Cyberclaw spike from his hand and plunge it into the computer and download a deathly virus just like what they did with the Cyborgs and the Colossi leader tried to stop them but their were  two Cyborg Guards standing at the door with electric staffs and they blocked the door making a spark, he watched as the virus was downloaded and a red loading screen appeared counting down the minutes, the Colossi leader shouted " Noo" the Cyborg general heard him and saw him stood up brave facing up to the Cyborg menace and then a laser beam sprouted from the Cyborgs eyes and hit the Colossi's waist, the colossi jolted back and held his stomach and felt him being ripped apart, his legs were separated and they fell off limp, the Colossi general looked at his legs and the council member ran using his arms and the Leader held on and they ran onto the ship, the hanger doors closed so the Cyborgs couldn't get in and the Cyborgs rushed to their ships on the surface and took off in a hurry, the timer reached one and then zero and the bar was full, just as the Colossi were about to take off, the planet exploded and chunks of planet with Colossi people inside headed to Earth and the Cyborgs followed and the heat from the beam blasts and the hotness of the atmosphere was so sizzling and flaming and intense the metal fused to the Colossi peoples lower half creating a shell for their lower half, they were a different species now.

So yes the Colossi did have a feud with the Cyborgs and the Cyborgs were the reason they were here so Mulk asked if they were to come up and fight?, the colossi leader said of course anything to take vengeance on the Cyborgs, Mulk said they'll call them when they need them.

The colossi leader said Mulk can count on them and nodded, and Mulk asked Crygon what next and the Colossi leader suggested that the flying Blue man and Super dude might be of help, it was time to look for them.

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