Chapter 6 - Bad idea

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Mikes POV

I open the door and let everyone in.

"Hey guys!" I smile.

"So, wheeler, tell everyone about the plan." Max orders

"Oh right, come down into the basement." I tell them.

They all walk down into the basement and sit down.

"Okay, so the plan was that I would bring Will over and tell him about the whole dare and stuff, but I have decided not to do it." I announce.

"What? Why?" Max asks.

"Because he will be way too upset, if I get him to break up with me, then everything will be fine!!" I assure them.

"Dude." Lucas says.


"That is the most stupid thing I have ever heard."

"Agreed." Eleven death glares me.

"El you know that I don't actually love him, right? I like you!"

"You lie." She tells me.

"What?" I scoff.

"You don't love me. You love Will." She says, gritting her teeth.

"What!? No I dont? Are you insane!" I ask, genuinely confused.

"Wha- Where is this coming from??" I question her.

"If you didnt love him you wouldn't be his boyfriend!" She shouts at me.

"What!? I felt bad for him! Of course I like you." I try and reassure her.

"You can't even say it." She whispers.

"Uhm we are gonna go upstairs for a minute.." Lucas mumbles, and him, max and dustin go upstairs.

"Say what? What are you even talking about!?" I yell, confused.

"That you love me. You say you 'like' me not 'love' me." She tells me as the door closes

"What? I- This makes no sense!" I whine, throwing myself into the couch.

"Mike. I think we need to take a break."

My heart drops.

"W-What..?" I whisper.

"Mike. I love you so much but I don't think you love me back." She tells me.

"No, no! I do! Of course I do!" I yell, trying to sound convincing.

"Then say it."

"S-Say what.?"

"That you love me."

I stay silent. I don't know why I can't say it. It just feels wrong.

"Exactly." She whispers, tearing up.

"I'm leaving." She adds, getting up.

"No- No eleven please!" I plead, trying to get her to stay.

"Mike. I am leaving." She replies.

"No eleven we can work this out, come on!"

"No we can't, Mike. Your heart belongs to someone else."

I just look at her confused.

"What?" I ask

"You don't love me. You love someone else. You just haven't figured out who yet." She sighs, getting up.

"Eleven what are you taking about??" I question her, still genuinely confused.

"You will understand once you accept it, Mike."

"Accept what?"

She just walks out of the basement and opens the front door, walking out and leaving me confused as fuck.

"Eleven!? Accept what!?" I yell.

I groan and slam the door shut and turn around to see Lucas Max and Dustin stood there.

"Okay wheele what the hell was that?" Max asks me.

"I have no idea.." I mumble.

"Okay well you can sort that out later, back to will." Lucas adds.

We all walk back into the basement to carry on from where we left off.

"I can't. I will break his heart." I sigh.

"We know! But you will only make it worse by leading him on, Mike." Dustin told me.

"No you don't understand, I'm not leading him on! I am gonna act the same way as before." I smile at them.

"Okay? And how the hell will that help?"

"We will just act like best friendsnd because I'm treating him normally nothing will change!!!"

They all just stare at me blankly.

"Okay we are going round in circles now, let me just say something. There is nothing you can do in this situation to make it any better." Max starts

"No I-" I try and but in.

"I'm not done, Michael. The only way to fix this is to tell him the truth and break up with him. Anything else will be leading him on and that will only make it worse." She tells me.

"No max you don't know him like I do. I know this will work!!" I grin at her.

"No it won't, Mike. I agree with max." Lucas buts in.

"Seriously?" Mike scoffs.

"Yes! Mike you aren't listening to us."

"No you guys aren't listening to me! Just get out. I'll see you all tomorrow in school." I announce.


"Bye!!" I push them out of the door.

Tomorrow nothing will happen. I'm all good. Will is all good.

{Word Count: 761}

𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐞 - Byler ✔Where stories live. Discover now