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Vylette Brown is the daughter of Joseph Brown. They live in Great Britain. Where it all started. There were at the zoo one day when the city all went falling down. It was horrible and scary for Vylette and Joesph. Vylette was in highschool before the quarantine and the fall. She could've went on the school trip that her school held annually. She could've spent time with Andy and Tammy. She decided to stay home because her Dad got diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer and he needed treatment and whenever he needed a ride home, he had nobody. Only Ubers so Vylette stayed home for the sake of her father.

Nichole Winston is the daughter of Scarlett. Scarlett is the medical nurse for the NATO. Scarlett and Nichole both live in America until six months later when the infection was slowing down in some part of Europe where Great Britain was located. Scarlett set off for the mission while Nichole snuck on the plane. Scarlett soon figured out that Nichole snuck on the plane but she couldn't do anything about it.

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