553 12 1

3:50 p.m.

𝒪𝓂𝓃𝒾𝓈𝒸𝒾ℯ𝓃𝓉 𝒫𝒪𝒱

When Yasi saw Terrell standing in the door frame she literally just gave up. She ain't even wanna give an explanation, and was jus overall pissed. "Well this is awkward." Terrell stated chuckling under his breath.

It was quiet for a straight 2 minutes before Terrell spoke up. "Sooo, what's this." Terrell said pointing between the two unbothered teens. Dd let out a low chuckle not knowing what to say.

Yasi and dd both knew Terrell was the "cooler" brother out of the two. He ain't really care for nun if he gets an explanation about the situation. But it was kinda a 50/50 chance Terrell would keep his cool since in this case, the situation included his sister which was someone he absolutely did not play about.

After not getting a response from the two, Terrell invited himself into the room closing the door behind him. He leaned against the door looking between the girl on the floor and the boy on the bed.

"So y'all not gon say nun?" Terrell glared. Yasmine pushed her lips together into a tight straight line. Terrell walked up to dd leaning down a lil bit. "Look, I'm not the one you need to worry about." He said to where only the two boys heard. Leaving Yasi slightly puzzled.

Terrell walked back to the door saying, "don't worry I won't tell nobody, but when dd leave ima need something from you." He eyed Yasi.
Then walked out.

The two teens let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. Yasi crawled back onto the bed making eye contact with dd. They both busted out laughing. "Your laugh is so uglyyy." Dd said while laughing. With a smile plastered all over dd's face he asked, "you tryna come to my place?" "Yh I'm tired of being walked up on, not gon lie." Yasi signed getting up from her bed. "I'll just tell Yamire and Terrell I'm going to Yamilet's house." "I thought Yamire didn't like you hanging out with Yami?" She shrugged.

She walked to her closet looking for an outfit. "Lemme see," dd said pushing Yasi out the way. "Uh-" Yasi huffed. "Girl, I'm doing you a favor." Dd said as he nudged the smaller girl with his hip. He moved each of his fingers one by one looking through his options. Yasi began pointing at certain shirts, but dd denied. "No, you'n need to look 'that' good" dd stated while finger quoting "that". Yasi side eyed the boy.

Yasi began to think to herself. What? He think I look good or sum? Ouuuu he prolly jackin me nglllll. But ion know he cute or whatever but he look like a cheater. Niggas that look that good is too good to be true. Ion trust it. I really shouldn't have been cuddling with him last night either.

Dd tried to get the attention of the girl who was zoned out leaning against the closet wall with her hands behind her back, but failed. "Fuck she thinkin bout?" He muttered under his breath. Dd harshly tapped her shoulder two times. Yasi snapped out of her thoughts and smacked her teeth, grinning at the much taller person.

"Here." Dd said handing Yasi her essentials hoodie and some black tights. Yasi gave him a tight smile taking her clothes. She pointed her thumb toward the bathroom, telling dd that's where she was going. "Ight" dd said.


"Is it ight?" Yasi signed. "Yh, you wearing these too." Dd handed Yasi her grey Yeezy slides.


Dd and Yasi ended up walking to his house since it was only two minutes away. "Why aren't you and Yamire close. I'm just curious." Dd asked looking away from his view and to Yasi. She looked up at him and back in front of her shaking her head. "People just take things a different way." "Right..."

Dd knew there was something he didn't know like with her past. He wondered if it had something to do with Yasmine going mute or what the cause was. He just wanted to know about her in general. Why she's the way she is, why she's so distant from people, and why Yamire didn't like having her around his friends. Like she's a cool person, she's not all obnoxious and annoying like all the other girls who try to get with him. Not just because she's mute but— idk.

"Right here." Dd stated. "If you uncomfortable, by any means you can leave ite?" He eyed her. Yasi nodded. Dd grabbed his keys opening the door. Yasi rocked her feet back and forth getting anxious. What am I doing hereeeee. She thought. When dd opened the door, the smell of cooked fried rice hit her nose. She knew it right away because her mama always cooks it. It's kinda mandatory since she is half Panamanian.

She inhaled the smell and closed her eyes. "Smells good huh?" Dd chuckled. Yasi just let out a smile.

"Helloooo." Dd hollered. "Oh díos mio." Dd's mom came out the kitchen grabbing onto his face. "Fuck have you been?" She said with a stern tone. "I thought E told you I was with Darrian?" "He did but still, mijo." Dd's mom or Danielle only knew their friends by their real name. Plus she didn't wanna call them by their silly street names.

Danielle looked to her side a saw a 5'3 girl standing beside her son. First thing she thought was, "is this your girlfriend." Danielle smiled. "No ma, this is Yasmine. She's my.... friend." Dd replied. Yasi didn't know why but that kinda made her stomach turn and not in a good way.

Danielle looked between the two sensing something but decided to stay quiet about it. "Well, ok. Food's about to be done and your welcome to stay." She smiled. Yasi smiled in response. Yasi was thinking about asking dd to tell his mom she said thank you but she didn't like signing in front of people she didn't know like that. People loveee to stare. "I'm Danielle by the way." She put her hand out. "Oh nevermind c'mere." Danielle said deciding to pull Yasi in for a hug instead as Yasi kept her arms to the side.

Dd smiled at the two. "Ok, ma we finna go to my room-" "yh, keep that door open too." "You'n gotta worry mamaaaaa." Dd carried feeling embarrassed. "Ok, ok" Danielle put her hands up in defense. "Have fun, but not too-" "omggg." Dd grabbed Yasi by her forearm dragging her up to his room.

Once they made it upstairs Yasi admired all the baby photos of dd and notti on the walls. They walked past notti's room catching his attention. "You've gottaaaaa be kidding meeeee." Notti said taking off his headset running into the hallway.

"Yoooo." Notti said dabbing Yasi up with her free hand. "You like really tryna get killed..." Notti pointed out to dd. "Mmcht stfu dic."
"Ight man, don't make me say I told yo ass so." He went back to his room.


"Your room cool or whatever." Yasi said while looking around. "Yhhhh I know. You tryna smoke?" Dd questioned. Yasi snapped her neck at his words. "I do not smoke." Yasi shook her head. "You wanna tryyyyy?" Dd asked making Yasi quickly shook her head. "How not gon smoke live in New York?" Yasi shrugged continuing to look around dd's room. She stopped when something caught her eye making her eyes widen.

Yasi tapped dd on his shoulder to get his attention. He looked up from his phone letting his eyes meet hers. "Why is there a lotion bottle on your nightstand?" Yasi signed with a worried yet disgusted face. "Because I get ashy?" He replied in a sassy tone...

"Sure." Yasi muttered to herself. "Heard dat, lil nigga." Yasi smacked dd on his head. "Damn, you hit like a man!" He held the back of his head.
She rolled her eyes. "I can sit on your bed?" "Yh you'n gotta ask, ma." "Well I got manners so." Yasi shrugged referring to earlier. "Mmcht shut up, punk" dd said grabbing Yasi putting her in a headlock nudging her head with his fist. Causing both of them to start laughing.

When dd was finished they both inhaled from being out of breath for so long. "I'm proud of myself frl." Yasi signed while smiling. "Why?"
"Cus I'm pretty sure this is the longest I've gone without my physical anxiety, and them pills ain't workin so." Dd gave her a high five knowing deep it was prolly because of his distractions with her.

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