Sorry, guys ^-^

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Hey guys.

As you can probably guess, I have made the decision to discontinue this book.

Don't murder me!

Basically, I can feel myself 'growing out' of Stampy and Squid and the MAC. I don't ship Stampy and Squid anymore, and I find it really hard to write about something I don't 'care about' anymore.

As I said, this is my decision, and I have made it :)

Just know, though, that I wouldn't change the first book for anything. That was the first ever fanfiction I published, and without Stampy and Squid I wouldn't have discovered Wattpad or the wonderful (yet slightly terrifying) world of fanfiction when I did, let alone become close internet friends with @misspolargirl! I love every single one of you guys, whether this is the first book you've clicked on or if you've been here since Learn to Love Again. You're all amazing <3

Because I left the end on Learn to Love Again slightly open, I will publish another book soon closing it all off. And I will never stop writing about Sqaishey and Stampy! I still ship them very much :)

Also, if someone wanted to continue this story on their own account I won't stop you. Just please give me credit! I'll put it on my account somewhere and then we can all be happy XD

As I said, I love every single one of you for reading the few chapters of this story that I did publish. And thanks to @i_love_katz, @strange-stories, @NotThatN_ormal, @sarahlovesluke, @AlexandraPagett, @Stampycatno1fan, @Olivia_the_killer, @TheFaultInNatalia, @Book-Kitty, @KittyBrine, @stargazer_prime03 and anyone else who offered to help or/and sent me ideas!

Thank you all :) (If I forgot you because you've changed your name and your messages to me have reset, send me a message and I'll put you in!)

So yes. Thanks again!

I'm also starting a Phan book called Chasing Cars. Look forward to that soon!

Also, this book will be up for another week before I delete it. I'll give those guys a shout out again!

For the final time in this book, farewell :)

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