Chapter 1 - Christmas Shopping

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*One month later*

Stampy's POV


I jump away from Squid at the sound of the door banging open and groan.

"Netty, what did I tell you about knocking?" I say, desperately grabbing at my shirt that had been discarded on the floor.

"You told me to knock if I had to come in, not if I wanted to come in," she says grinning. I glare at her and she looks away. "It's not my fault that you two were having sex, anyway." I blush.

"We weren't having sex. We were just kissing."

"Yeah, kissing half naked." I glare at her again. Squid laughs and pulls his own shirt on. We'd become really good friends with Netty lately, but that doesn't mean she can just barge in on us.

Netty and Tom had moved in with us for a while while they got their own place sorted. Sure enough, they began dating a few weeks ago. We all knew it would happen.

"Anyway, what do you want?" I ask Netty.

"Christmas shopping!" She says. I groan again.

"Netty, there's still ten days till Christmas, there's plenty of time."

"But all the good stuff will be gone!"

"Fine then. Now get of our room." Netty fist pumps and jumps out of the room, followed by Tom, who shuts the door. I stand up.

"We'd better go. You know what Netty's like," I say to Squid. He nods.

"Yeah. Come on, then."

I stand up, take Squids hand, and walk out the door. Netty and Tom are already outside. I guess we can get breakfast in town.

Squid gets into the drivers seat. It's his car, and he's the only one who knows how to drive it. I should really learn some day.

After a good ten minutes of driving slowly and stopping at every crossing, Squid stops the car and we all get out into the brisk morning air. I jump up and down, rubbing my hands together in an attempt to get warm.

"I'm taking Stampy to get presents for Squid; Tom and Squid can go off somewhere else." Netty pulls me away before I can say anything in protest. I shake her off me.

"All right, calm down!"

We walk along in silence before stopping outside a gaming store. Netty turns to face me.

"Do you have any idea what he wants?"

"He was talking about a new vlogging camera, his old one just broke. I was thinking that, and a Squid plushie or something." Netty just nods and pulls me into the gaming store.

The first thing I'm greeted with is a giant a Minecraft display. As well as the Squid toy I was looking for, posters, books, Lego, onesies, and countless other items cover at least a quarter of the store. Children gather around everything as if it's already Christmas morning.

I laugh as I see a Squid lamp, where the red part of the mouth lights up when you press a tentacle. I grab it off the shelf, knowing that Squid will love it. This beats a boring old soft toy any day.

It's strange that I've never seen this shop before. I'd only been living here for a few months, but Squid told me about everything like this. Maybe he didn't know about it, either.

"What would Tom like? I ask Netty.

"He said he didn't want anything, but he always says that. He'll love anything to do with Minecraft."

I nod, and go back to browsing.


"Where the hell are you?"

I laugh as Squid's slightly annoyed voice comes through my phone nearly an hour after we set off.

"We'll meet you by the giant tree in the centre, if you want."

"Sure." Squid hangs up.

I look over at Netty and burst out laughing. We were sitting in a coffee shop, waiting for a drink.

"Someone's not happy," she says. I grin again.

After waiting for our drinks, we set off for the Christmas tree. A few minutes later, we arrive to see Tom and Squid sitting on a bench.

"Hi!" I say chirpily, knowing that it will annoy him. Squid glares at me.

"Seriously though, where were you?" Tom asks us. I hold up my coffee cup in reply.

"Really guys?"

We burst out laughing again.

"Anyway, Netty, do you want to come with me for a bit?" Tom asks her. She nods and kisses his cheek.

"We'll get a taxi home," Netty says just before they walk off. I look at Squid.

"Just you and me then?" I say. Squid looks somewhere over my shoulder, still glaring. I sigh.

"Look Squid, I'm sorry we didn't tell you where we were going. Netty sort of pulled me away before I could say anything." He still doesn't say anything.

"Squid..." I make my puppy dog face at him. He suddenly grins at me.

"Got you, didn't I?" He laughs. I smile at him.

"Bad Squid. No presents for you." He just laughs.

"I love you Stamps." Not caring that hundreds of people are watching, he leans in to kiss me. I kiss him back.

"Let's go get some lunch," I say, ignoring the people giving us strange looks.


Hope you liked the first chapter of this! Thanks for reading :)

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