Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Sadie," A voice whispered, jolting me from my slumber. I fluttered my eyes open, throwing my hands over them and stretching.

"What is it?" I mumbled, my voice thick with sleep.

"Kate's at the front door," My mum said, giving me a small smile, "She said it was urgent."

I threw the covers off my body and swung my legs around the side of the bed, "It's probably about that One Direction CD signing that she went too last night." I mumbled, slipping my feet into slippers and grunting, "I swear if I hear one more thing about them I will cut my ears off."

I trudged down the staircase, grumbling to myself at how early it was considering that we were on spring holiday. Kate was standing at the front door, untying her converse and placing them neatly to the side. I slowly stepped off the last step in the staircase, planting my feet on the cold wooden floor. I gave her a small smile, tugging my cardigan closer to my body.

"How was the signing?" I asked, trying to be polite. 

Kate gave me a hug grin, her eyes glowing with happiness, "It was amazing! I got all of their signatures on the Take Me Home CD case," She sighed with bliss, closing her eyes for a moment, "They're perfect, I swear." 

I offered her a small smile, "Well that's really good." Kate knew that I wasn't into One Direction, I was basically the total opposite. Pierce the Veil was my life, I loved everything about them. Kate never liked hearing about my interests in bands, but I respect that because if I did talk to her about them, it wouldn't be the same. 

"Wanna see what I got also?" Kate asked, the happy glow in her eyes started to fade away in a paniced one. I nodded, tilting my head to the side.

"Yeah, we'll go up to my room." I said, starting to walk up the staircase and making my way into my room before sitting down on the edge of my bed, making room for Kate. She walked into the room, a few seconds after me, and carefully closed the door behind her. 

"This is really important," Kate said, reaching her hand into her sweater pocket, "You can't tell anyone." 

I nodded, holding up my pinky. "I promise." 

She smiled, hooking her pinky with mine, "Thanks." She took a deep breath and pulled out a sleek, black iphone and placed it in my outsretched hand.

"Oh this is awesome," I gushed, flipping the phone around in my hand. This iphone beat the piece of crap flip phone that I had gotten from T-Mobile on a student plan, "When did you get this?" 

Kate laughed nervously, giving me a small shaky smile, "It's not mine." Kate said queitly, taking the phone back into her hands.

"Then whose is it?" I asked, confusion was evident in my voice.

"Well, it's actually a really really funny st-"

"Spit it out Kate!"

"It's Harry Styles!" Kate exclaimed, and then threw a hand over her mouth, her eyes widening.

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Seriously, if it's yours just say so. I promise I won't get mad." I said softly, giving her a reasurring smile.

She groaned loudly, "I knew you couldn't believe me." She muttered, sinking into the purple bean bag chair.

I mentally scoffed. Obviously I wouldn't believe her. If this was some kind of early April Fool's joke it wasn't working on me. The room was silent for a while, and Kate sat looking through her iphone, slumped against the plush fabric of the bean bag chair.

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