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It was A Week since the Zillo Beast had attacked the Senet Building and Arkalia was under His Ship doing His Regular Checks when Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee and Another Padawan by the Name of Caleb Dume walked over

"Sir Miss Ahsoka is here Along with 2 Other Small Jedi Meatbag's" say's Proxy

"Who are You calling a Meatbag You Clanker" say's Caleb

"How Dare You call Me a Clanker I'm an Highly Advanced Modified Assassin HK Droid I was Created During The Knight's Of The Old Republic Era I was Modified by Master Arkalia here" say's Proxy

Arkalia climbs out from Under His Ship covered in Oil

"Yes may I help You 3" asks Arkalia

"Oh Shut it Monkey Brain" say's Caleb

Arkalia's Eye's Narrowed and look's right into His Eye's

"Show Me Some Respect Boy" say's Arkalia

Caleb get's right up into Arkalia's Face

"Why should I show Respect to You Sith" say's Caleb

"Do You have Any Idea Who I am what I'm capable of" say's Arkalia

Ashoka grabs Caleb by the Back of His Shirt

"Caleb stop trying to Provoke Arkalia You know Dam Well He can Easily make You One with the Force" say's Ashoka

Caleb mumbles and began walking off with Barriss

"Is Anything the Matter" asks Arkalia

"A Friend of Caleb's went Missing a Youngling and the Jedi's are too Busy Working to do a Thing so Me and Barriss are going to Help Caleb to Find Them" say's Ashoka

Arkalia smiles

"Get in" say's Arkalia

"Huh" asks Ashoka

"I'll help" say's Arkalia

"Wait really" asks Caleb

Arkalia nods

"Why not Assist You" say's Arkalia

Ashoka, Barris and Caleb went into the Ship

"So where First" asks Arkalia

"Well here's the thing We have No idea" say's Ashoka

"Really You wanna Investigate into a Missing Friend and don't know where to start" asks Arkalia

"Yeah now You say it it's Kinda Stupid but We're Desperate" say's Ashoka

Arkalia thinks for a Moment and looks at Them

"I may know Who can Help" say's Arkalia

Arkalia looks at Proxy

"Oh no please Master I don't like it" say's Proxy

"Proxy" say's Arkalia

"Oh fine" say's Proxy

There was a flash of Light and Proxy's Appearance changed

"Meet Sherlock Holmes 1 of the World's Greatest Detectives" say's Arkalia

"Huh" They ask

"Proxy here can Turn into Anyone as long as They're in His Programming and He not Only Looks like Them but has Their Talent's, Personality and Their Memories He is Basically a Copy of Them and as Sherlock Holmes He is Able to Solve this Case and Find Your Friend" say's Arkalia

"But Why doesn't He like being Him" They ask

"Well technically Proxy doesn't like Using the Ability He doesn't like Being Other People He Prefers to be Himself" say's Arkalia