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It was a Few Hour's when Arkalia returned back to the Jedi Temple and as Arkalia was walking past He saw Ahsoka and Master Plo were walking past

"Hello There Master Plo Hello Ahsoka what's happening" asks Arkalia

"We're about to Deliver a Transmission to Them You can come with Us" say's Ahsoka

Master Plo and Ahsoka led Arkalia to the Other's and closed the Blinds before playing the Video

"Mace Windu You were Lucky to have Escape but Your Friend's weren't so Fortunate" say's A Boy

"Until You Face Boba These Men would be Killed One by One starting with Him. What is Your Name" asks the Lady He was with

The Clone refused to answer so She kicks Him

"WHAT IS YOUR NAME" She yelled

"It's CT-411" say's CT-411

"How Pathetic, Boba do it" She say's

Boba aims at The Clone but hesitates not wanting to kill One of His Brother's but the Woman ends up killing CT-411 instead

"That was Pond's" say's Anakin

"Hmmm" whispers Arkalia

"One down Two to go the Choice is Yours Windu come and Find Us or Their Death's will be on Your Hand's" say's the Woman

The Message Ends

"Interesting" say's Arkalia

"What" asks Mace

"Did You see that" asks Arkalia

"See what You did" asks Yoda

"Yeah Sith what did You see" asks Mace

"Say what's on Your Mind Young One" say's Plo

"The Boy did You see He hesitated to Kill Pond's It looked like He had the Chance to Kill Him but He couldn't well Wouldn't Kill Him the Look on His Eye's and the way His Hand's were Shaking to Me it looked like He's No Murderer I believe that He'd Only Kill by Accident or a Trap gone wrong" say's Arkalia

"Now You mention it Arkalia it does look like that" say's Plo

"So what does that gotta do with this" asks Mace

"Redeem Him think You can" asks Yoda

"Yes I do think that I believe I can help Him and stop Him from following the same Path as I have" say's Arkalia

Arkalia looks at Mace Windu

"So what did You do to Him" asks Mace

"I may have Killed His Father" say's Mace

"Sliced off His Head You did in front of the Boy You did left Him alone You did" say's Yoda

"Wow Baldy You murdered a Man right in front of His Own Son and didn't care about what'll happen to Him afterwards.... Not Cool Mace" say's Arkalia

"He was a Criminal a Bounty Hunter" say's Mace

"I thought Killing was against Your Precious Jedi Code You could've just Arrested Him but Noooo You just had to Slice His Head right off right in front of His Own Son making the Boy an Orphan and not Care what'll happen to the Child what a Heartless Snake You are No wonder Why He's going down a Dark Path and wants You Dead" say's Arkalia

Mace didn't like what Arkalia said and was about to Slap Him even though He was still Injured

"Stop this You will Mace" say's Yoda