PC - Don't do this. Pt. 1

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"You can't come with me," Peggy tells me sternly.

"Like hell, I can't," I argue.

"I'm not trying to get you killed too, O. For once, stop being so stubborn and listen to me."

"I'm coming with you. End of discussion. Maybe I can talk her out of things."

Peggy sighs as she hooks her shield onto her back. "You're not allowed to get in the middle of the fight then."

"I won't listen to that if something happens to you."


"Have we forgotten that I can shapeshift?"

"Not forgotten, just ignored."


"Go help America," Peg tells me when we arrive.

"Be safe." I touch her cheek briefly, not really wanting to part ways. But we do.

Peggy runs off to join the others while I join Christine and America. America is stuck in some chamber and I'm here to help get her out. We need all the help we can get.

"What can I do?" I ask when I'm through the doors.

"What can you do?" Christine asks.


"Then I really need you to shift into something that can break this chamber.

"You got it."

In a split second, my body is forming into the strongest creature I can think of. I didn't have a lot of time to think so it's really what the first thing that popped into my mind was. So what did I form into? Obviously, a form of the Hulk. I thank the gods that I know that I'm able to do it so quickly.

In my form of the Hulk, I bang and slam on the glass-type chamber that America is trapped inside of. It takes some effort, but I eventually crack it. So I keep hitting and hitting until, finally, the glass shatters. I immediately jump through the chamber to grab America and get her out of the way of flying glass.

When she's safe, I turn back into myself. "You okay?" I ask her.

"Yes, thank you. I never caught your name."


Before she can answer, Christine is saying, "Oh shit."

We both turn around to see her. Her.

Then Peggy flies down with her jetpack. Followed by three others that I haven't had the chance to meet yet. I don't care what Peggy told me. I can't risk her life.

"Get out of here," I tell America and Christine before running out of the room and toward my wife.

I get myself between the four of them and the one who looks just about ready to kill them. She's covered in blood and dirt and whatever else. It breaks my heart. I miss the old version of her. She used to be a friend. So when I get myself between her and her targets, she looks me dead in the eyes and her wisps fade. Just like the old training days.

"Wanda, don't do this," I say firmly but gently.

"Odessa, no," I hear Peggy call from behind me. I wave her off.

"Get out of my way," Wanda hisses, her accent thick.

"Wanda, think about it. Is this really how you want to grieve Callie?"

Just the mention of her name makes Wanda's wisps come back, her eyes glowing red again.

"Don't you dare."

"Callie wouldn't want this. She wouldn't want you to become the villain."

"It's too late."

"No, it's not. You can stop. Right now. You don't have to do this."

"My love died. Now yours will, too."

That set me off. In an instant, I'm a dragon. A full-blown dragon. I charge at Wanda, effectively grabbing her in my mouth, my teeth sinking in. I throw her as hard as I can. She hits the wall and goes straight through it. The other four all go after her now too. We seem to be doing pretty good. That's until Wanda finally gains control.

Wanda blocks the next swipe of my sharp tail. I'm pushed back a few feet. I watch one of the four go after her only to be thrown far and get pulled apart. Literally.

The two flyers, one being Wanda take things to the air. While they do, I turn back to human form and grab Peggy.

"Please go," I beg her.

Before any other words can be exchanged, Wanda's back. I turn back into a dragon, but a smaller one this time to give myself better movement. It's times like these when I wish Violet were here. She could take Wanda in seconds.

Sadly, the flyer on our side gets thrown through the wall and hit by something Wanda threw. Now it's just me and Peg.

I do everything to protect her.

I grab Wanda in my front talons and pin her to the floor. I know she can take me but I just need to stall her enough so Peggy can do her work. If she won't leave, the least I can do is help her win a fight.

Wanda uses her abilities to lift me in the air, keeping me in place so I can't move. Then she throws me hard across the large room. I go through a pillar. I have a moment where I just need to shake it off. Even as a dragon, that really hurt my head.

In my momentary pause, I watch Peggy. She runs silently through the smoke and dust where Wanda can't see her. Then I watch her charge. I try so hard to collect my thoughts before Peggy reaches Wanda. But I'm a little too late.

Peggy knocks Wanda over using her shield as, well, a shield. They both collapse and both get back up almost instantly.

They fight, Wanda using her powers to move Peggy around in the air and on the ground. Peggy uses her shield wherever she can.

Then it happens. The one thing I tried so hard to prevent.

Peggy throws her shield at Wanda. Only for Wanda to catch it with her powers and throw it right back. It impales Peggy right in the abdomen.

"NO!" I scream, my human form taking over since I'm a little too tired to be anything else. "NO!"

I run over to my wife. She's just barely alive. Wanda steps up to us.

"Wanda, please," I beg, tears already streaming. "Stop. Please. You've done enough!"

"Now, you'll finally see how it feels. To lose everything."

I couldn't tell you why. I wish I knew. But Wanda leaves. She leaves me alive. She leaves me alive while my wife is dying.

I drop to my hands and knees next to her. Peggy lays on her back. She's holding her shield. I think she's trying to hold it out of her body the best she can. But she's weak and tired. Her breathing is broken.

"It's okay," I cry. "I'll fix you. It's okay."

A stream of blood comes out of the corner of her lips. "You... did... good." She coughs, more blood pouring out.

"No. No, Peg. Don't do that. I'm gonna get you help. You're gonna be okay," I sob.

I look around me but don't see anything or anyone. My chest hurts from crying so much already. My eyes burn. My hands are warm from Peggy's blood.

Then, a miracle happens.

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