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"I think you lied about your flying skills!"

"Fucking say that to me one more time!"

I jerk the stick up as the gunfire sounds from behind us. Grace grips her seat tightly.

"Maybe shoot back!" I yell into the headsets. Helicopter blades are pretty loud when they're moving.

"Stop flying like we're in fucking GTA and maybe I could!"

I can't help but laugh. It's quickly cut off when a bullet flies through the windshield from the open back sliding door. I jerk the stick again to avoid the rest.

Finally, Grace leans a little out her side, holding on tight. She points her pistol behind us and fires a few bullets.

"Dude, this is useless! How could I possibly take down a whole chopper with a handgun?"

She glances over at me with pleading eyes. I do a doubletake, hoping she meant something else.

"No. I don't trust you with it," I tell her.

"Oh, come on! I'm a good aim!"

"I swear, Grace. Just don't blow up us. Please."

She smirks. Then she gets out of her seat and climbs into the back. I can't watch her do it but hear her lift the rocket launcher. I brace myself for the worst (Grace blowing us up) in the time that she takes to load the RPG-7 weapon.

"Ninety degrees south!" Grace calls.

"Copy!" I jerk the stick and angle the chopper perfectly for her to get a shot. I hear the flump of the missile leaving the tube and the explosion that follows pushes the chopper nearly to its side.

"One down, three to go!" Grace calls. I swear, I can hear some joy in her voice.


"Oh, yeah! One showed up a little bit ago!"

"And you didn't care to tell me?!"

I spin around briefly to catch her shrug as she pushes another missile into the launcher. "Hold steady," she says just loud enough for me to hear her through the headphones.

I like times like these. When we go from joking and yelling to calm, focused, and organized. A team. Partners.

Another flump and explosion. Two more to go.

"They're splitting."

"I see 'em."

One helicopter veers to the right, the other to the left. Sandwiching us.

"I can't shoot both fast enough."

"Okay, hold on." I think for a second. My mind runs through all possibilities and options.

"Think faster, we're running out of time."

I look out the left side. I see some men in the back preparing to shoot us. Both enemy choppers.

"What else is back there?"

"Grenades, handguns, automatic rifles. Nothing else that can take down one of them in one shot."

"And we can't use the missiles on the chopper," I think out loud. "Okay, give me the grenades and a rifle."

While Grace gathers what I've asked for, I set the chopper on autopilot but stay in my seat so as to not give away my plan to the enemies. Finally, Grace places a box of grenades, an AR-15, and one magazine. I pick up the rifle and load the full magazine. I adjust my seat, moving it back enough to move around.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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