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Blake's POV

"Sweetheart you'll have so much fun at your new school. I've done the research and it seems like a great place."

"That not the point dad. You sent me across the country and away from all my friends my senior year, all because some women asked you to."

"Blake we've been over this, this has nothing to do with Cecilia. I just thought it would be great for you I know the last year and a half have been hard on you."

"Yea, okay. I'm about to get off the train bye dad." I hung up before he even got the chance to reply.

I was still pissed at him for sending me here. After my mom died I went through a rebellious phase, nothing major just sneaking out, smoking weed, drinking, the usual. While I was mourning the loss of my mom, my father decided he would immediately start dating and meet Cecilia.

She hates me for whatever reason, she would always snitch on me to my dad, telling him things that weren't true trying to get me in trouble. When I told him she was lying, he would never believe me causing us to argue constantly. At some point she got him to agree to send me to boarding school half way across the country.

It's my senior year, I wanted to end my high school career with my friends not end up at some all girls private school, where I would have to make new friends entirely. I was even forced to take a train by myself the whole way here. He didn't even come with me because Cecilia's family was hosting some event.

As I was getting off the train, I seen a large brick building surrounded by a black gate, Golden Gates Academy. The place I would be spending the rest of my time in high school. As I walked closer to the building I seen girls with their parents hugging them goodbye as they were dropped off.

I'm not going to lie I was envious, I wish I still had that type of relationship with my dad. It sort of feels like I have no parents at the moment. Things were so much better when my mother was still alive.

I already knew what dorm I was in, it was a matter of finding it. I looked around for a moment, when a women came up to me. She was gorgeous she had long black hair, the greenest of eyes. She was wearing a black pencil skirt along with a red button up with the top few button undone and black heels.

"Hi, you seem lost and I was wondering if you need help."

"Oh hi, yes I'm trying to find my dorm building. It says I'm in Hall 4 room 406."

"Oh that's my hall, I can show where it is." She said with a bright smile.

"That would be great."

"Oh I'm sorry where are my manners. I'm Miss. Valentine, I'm the dorm leader of Hall 4 as well as the senior English and Poetry teacher." She held her hand out

I shook her hand "Blake Woods."

"Nice to meet you. Now let's get you to your room so you can unpack."

I followed her to one of the smaller buildings across the courtyard. I hope my roommate isn't here yet so I can get a few moments of silence.

She stopped at a door,"This is my room, if you need anything you can just knock and I'll be happy to help."

She walked 2 doors down and stopped again, "This is your room, I'm not sure if your roommate is here yet, but I'll leave you to unpack." She said as she gave me one of her big smiles again this time showing her dimples.


"Thank you."

"Of course, if you have any questions you know where to find me." She said before walking back down the hallway.

I turned back to my door and opened it to see a girl already in there, unpacking. It was a decent sized room with a bed on either side of the room, each with its own nightstand, along a with dresser and a desk. She turned to look at me, she stood up from her spot on the floor next to her suitcase. She had a brown skin color, with long dark curly hair and light brown eyes.

"Hi you must be my roommate, I'm Amari."


"Well Blake, I hope we can get to know each other and become good friends."

"Me too,"

"I see you aren't one to speak much, but I hope I can change that."

"Yea, sorry I have a hard time talking to new people."

"That's fine, I hope you eventually feel more comfortable talking to me as we've got to share this small room for the rest of the school year."

"Yea me too."

By the time I finished unpacking the sun was already most set as I arrived late in the day. I decided that I would take a shower and get into bed.

I grabbed all of my things and set out down the hall, when I ran into someone. I looked up to see Miss valentine, who now hand her hair in a messy bun with glasses on, in a tshirt and sweats.I don't understand how someone could make something so simple look so attractive.

"I'm so sorry." I said quickly, I quickly looked her over without realizing it, when I locked eyes with her I could clearly tell that she caught me checking her out, making me blush.

"You're fine, I wasn't paying attention either. Where are you heading?"

"To the showers to get ready to go to sleep."

"That's good as first day of classes is tomorrow. I know most of the girls are going to continue to stay up late."

"Yea I've been up since early this morning and I'm very tired."

"Well I hope you have a goodnight Blake."

"You too Miss Valentine." She smiled at me before walking into her room.

I quickly made my way to the showers and cleaned myself and headed back to my room, where I seen Amari already in bed on her phone.

"Oh hey, I was wondering where you went." She said looking up from her phone.

"Yea, I just went to shower."

"Oh okay, you can turn the light off if you want, I just left it on for you."

I turned the light off and climbed into my bed while staring at the ceiling, thinking about all of today.

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