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Blake's POV

It's the next morning after Miss valentine sat outside with me. I'm kind of embarrassed that she seen me crying, but she did manage to make me feel better and get my mind off of my mom.

"Hey you ready to go." Amari said bring me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yea."

I stood up and grabbed my bag and headed out the door. As I turned to close the door I seen Miss valentine also walking out of her room. I guess she felt me staring because she turned to look at me and smiled before walking over.

"Good morning Blake. How did you sleep?"

I looked down at my feet, "I slept well. You?"

"Same." She went to say something else but Amari came up behind us, stoping her from continuing.

"Oh hey Miss V." Amari said coming to the door and waving.

"Hello Amari, how was your night?" She smiled

"It was great. Can I borrow Blake for a bit?"

"Of course, I should start heading to my classroom anyway." She looked between us before walking off down the hallway. As she walked away, I could still feel the warmth that always entered my body when she was around.

"Soooo, you have a crush on miss. V?" Amari said as she threw her arm over my shoulder as we walked down the hallway.

"what no?"

"you don't have to lie, I see how you look at her. You look at her as if she the most gorgeous woman on earth. I don't blame you she is very pretty."

"I do not have a crush on her. Shes just nice and a cool teacher that's all."


I ignored her clearly not believing me. We walked together until we had to split up to go to other classes. I had Math specifically Statistics. We had to work on the sheet we were given with a partner, most people grouped up with their friends so I just kind of sat there.

"Hey, do you have a partner." I looked up from my desk and seen a girl standing next to me. She had dark brown hair with pink highlights.

"No I don't."

"Great me either." she slid into the desk next to me, "I'm Marisol"


"So Blake i haven't seen you before, are you new this year?"

"Yep just transferred."

"Are you liking it hear so far?"

"Yea, I mean I do kind of miss home." Not much, "But it's been fun so far."

She quickly turned in her seat to face me, looking excited, "Hey, me and a couple of my friends are hanging out in my room later tonight, you should totally come."

"Yea sure, sounds fun." I smiled at her,

"Great." she smiled back.

We spent the rest of the class period actually doing our work, and managed to finish early and handing it in to the teacher. After class we walked out the room together.

"What class do you have right now ?" Marisol said turning to face me,

"I have science."

"Oh my gosh same. What science are you taking?"


"Boo, i have physics." she slightly pouted. "well here give me your number and i'll text you my dorm number and what time you should come."

"Okay cool." I handed her my phone and she put her number in. She handed it back to me, I looked at the contact name. It said Marisol with a sun and a heart emoji next to it.

"I texted myself so i could have your number, anyways see you later."


My day continued as normal going through the rest of my classes until i made it too my last 2 classes, both of which i had with miss.Valentine.
Today, she gave us a poem and wanted us to read it and right notes about it. I finished early so i started doodling on my sheet.

I felt someone standing over me, so I turned around and saw Miss.Valentine standing over me looking at my paper.

She smiled at me when we made eye contact, "Sorry, I was reading your notes, then got distracted by your drawings. Your really good you know."

"Thanks." I said immediately looking back at my paper to avoid eye contact.

She placed her hand on my shoulder, making my breath catching my throat "You know Blake, one day I'm going to get you to keep eye contact with me for more than a second." She removed her hand before continuing to walk around the room.

Amari who was now staring at me, she leaned over to me from her desk, "You totally have a crush on her."

"I don't."

"You might not now, but you will. I'm saying it now so i can have my "I told you so" moment." I rolled my eyes at her making her laugh and I went back to drawing.

About 10 minutes later, "Okay class, if you have finished your analysis on your way out i want you to put your sheets in the basked on my desk, if you haven't finished yet i would like you to finish it for homework."

Just like yesterday, I was the only person left in her class. I grabbed my paper and got up to walk it to her desk. She must've seen me getting up because she looked up from whatever she was working on and looked at me as I walked closer to her.

I felt myself blushing, as she kept looking at me, making me look down at my feet.

"Are you sure I don't make you nervous?" I could hear the smirk in her voice.

I looked up at her caught off guard by the question, "You dont make me nervous, it's just-"
I trailed off not being able to make up a lie because in all honesty she did make me nervous, very nervous.

"just?" She placed down her pencil and leaned her chin on her hand looking me in my eyes. Her eyes were a really pretty shade of green.

"You have pretty eyes." The second it slipped out, I covered my mouth, feeling my face heat up.

She sat up straight in her chair, "Oh? Do I?" she had a really smug look on her face.

"No, no,I mean yes" i managed to stutter making the situation worse.

"You have pretty eyes too." If it was even possible I started blushing more, and instead of responding, I quickly walked back to my desk. The other students should be walking in at any moment. As I was walking away, I swear I couldn't hear her whisper "cute" to herself but when turned to look at her she was looking back at whatever she was looking at before.

Just as I assumed, the second I got back to my desk people started walking into the room. Today class went super fast. We were given the first book we would be reading this year, and were told to look up the story and the author and write what we find in our notebooks and once we finished to start reading the first chapter.

Once the bell rang signaling the end of the school day, I managed to get all of my things in my bag without them falling out. But, I still managed to be the last person in the room.

"Bye Blake, Have a good rest of your day." She said smiling at me.

"You too." I speed walked out of the classroom in order to find Amari

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