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Blake's POV

The bus rumbled beneath us as it navigated the winding roads leading to the lake. I was sitting near the back, headphones in, trying to tune out the noise of our classmates chatting and laughing. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the class trips; it was just that the real reason I was excited had nothing to do with the school-sponsored excursion.

Amari sat beside me, flipping through the itinerary for the weekend trip. 

"OMG, Im so excited. No classes for a whole three days." She grabbed my arm and started shaking me. 

"It's a school trip we're still going to be learning," I said pulling out one of my earbuds.

I looked towards the front of the bus and looked at Aurora, she was looking out the window. The way the sun was hitting her face made her unbelievably beautiful. I took out my phone, took a picture, and sent it to her.

Blake: How are you this beautiful?

She looked at her phone, and read the message I could see her start to blush before looking back at me.

Princess👑: Stalker🙄

Blake: Only for you beautiful

"You guys are disgustingly cute," Amari said reading my messages over my shoulder. 

I rolled my eyes at Amari, but I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face. "Jealous much?" I teased, nudging her with my elbow.

"Please, me and Aspen are locked in" she shot back, flipping her hair dramatically. "But you two are just so... gross in a cute way."

"Yeah, yeah." I leaned back in my seat, glancing at Aurora again. She was still looking out the window, but every now and then, she'd sneak a glance back at me. I knew I was being a bit much, but I didn't care—being able to flirt with her, even on a school trip, was too fun to pass up.

The bus hit another bump, and Amari let out an exaggerated groan. "Ugh, can we get there already? I need to get out of this cramped space. My legs are falling asleep."

"You say that now, but once we start learning, you'll be the first one complaining," I said with a laugh.

"Facts," she admitted with a grin. "But at least I won't be stuck in a bus with you two lovebirds the whole time."

I just shook my head, chuckling, as I sent another quick text to Aurora.

Blake: I can't wait to hear you talk in your sexy teacher voice.

Aurora glanced down at her phone and typed something back.

Princess👑: stop.

Blake: can't help it, youre just so hot

Aurora glanced back at me, trying to hide a smile as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She was blushing again. I loved that I could still make her do that after all this time.

"You're seriously shameless," Amari muttered, shaking her head. But I could tell she was amused.

The bus finally slowed to a stop, and there was a collective groan of relief from the class. We had been on the road for hours, and everyone was ready to stretch their legs. As we got off the bus, the scent of pine and fresh air hit me. The lake wasn't far from where we'd parked, and the sight of the water sparkling under the sunlight was almost enough to make me forget we were here for an educational trip. Almost.

"Alright, everyone," Principal Green called out as we gathered near the trailhead, "we've got a packed schedule this week"

"Ugh, more books," Amari groaned under her breath, flipping through the itinerary.

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