A Race Against Time

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Larry and (Y/n) quickly entered another room and Amelia ran over to the duo. "There you two are! Are you both all right? I've been worried sick! Sick I tell you." She said as she began to follow them. "We're fine, Amelia." (Y/n) said. "So what's our next move, partners?" Amelia asked. "I don't know. We just got to get this tablet translated." Larry informed her. Suddenly the giant red octopus from before blocks their way. "Oh, great! This guy again. Look, buddy, we don't want any trouble, all right?" Larry asked. (Y/n) looked over at the picture of a boat sailing in the ocean, then quickly ran over to it and splashed the water from the picture onto the sea creature. It then looked rather happy. "Look at that! I guess our sassy cephalopod was just a fish who didn't like being out of water. He's not such a ballywagger after all." Amelia said. As the trio began to walk away, the octopus grabbed (Y/n) and pulled her in for a hug. "Okay. Glad you're happy." (Y/n) said. She then pulled away and followed her friends when they heard a familiar voice calling to them. "Hello? A little assistance?" The three turned around and saw a statue head of Teddy and ran over. "Hey, Teddy! Perfect!" Larry said. "Yes!" Teddy said. "Maybe you could help us." Larry said. "I'd love to help you, but first things first. My nose is so itchy, it's driving me insane. I hate to ask, but, as you see, I'm missing a few body parts. Could you please give it a scratch?" Teddy asked. "Yeah, sure." Larry said as he began to scratch Teddy's nose. "Oh, yes! That's exquisite. A little over there... Yes!" Teddy said. "More?" Larry asked. "Oh, yes! Yes! Oh, that's... Sweet rutabaga pie, that was divine. Theodore Roosevelt, at your service." Teddy said. "Twenty-sixth President of the United States, Rough Rider, founder of the national parks, and a whole bunch of other stuff." (Y/n) said. "Have we met?" Teddy asked.

"No, there's another Teddy. We have one of you in New York." Larry said. "Really? What's he like, this other me?" Teddy asked. "He's pretty much the same, except with..." Larry trailed off. "Except what? Say it. Except with a body?" Teddy asked. "Oh boy..." (Y/n) said quietly. "Yes. He has a body." Larry answered. "Oh, dash it, the pain!" Teddy said. "And a horse." Larry said. "Larry!" (Y/n) scolded. "Excuse me! We really need someone to translate what's written on this tablet. Do you read hieroglyphics?" Amelia asked. "Yes, I do, missy. That's a simple one. Bird. Man with spear. Sideways fish. Beetle. Vase." Teddy said, and the trio looked confused. "Okay, and what does that mean?" Larry asked. "It means, and this is just a rough translation, "A man with a spear trapped a bird and a sideways fish in a vase. "And there was also a beetle." Teddy said. "I don't think that's it." (Y/n) said. "That's just one possible translation. Another possible translation is, "You will find the combination you seek "if you figure out the secret at the heart of Pharaoh's tomb." Teddy said. "Okay, and what does that mean?" Larry asked. "I don't know! What am I, the Sphinx? "What's this? What's that?" Why don't you ask New York Teddy? I'm sure he'd love to get his grabby little fingers all over that thing! Probably let his horse lick it, too!" Teddy snapped. "Someone's jealous." (Y/n) mumbled. "I heard that!" Teddy shouted. "Mr. Daley, Ms. (L/n), we should be going to the sculpture gallery. I think there's someone there who might have a better thought on this. The fellow we're looking for is just down here." Amelia said as the three walked off. Amelia then saw a young lady dancing and smiled. "Bonsoir." The young lady greeted. "Hello, young lady." Amelia said, then began dancing with her. Larry and (Y/n) stopped and turned to her. "Hey, excuse me. Could we keep moving, please?" Larry asked. "We certainly could, but then we might miss a rare opportunity. I mean, she is a Degas, Mr. Daley." Amelia said.

"Okay, it's just we got a little buddy stuck in an hourglass." (Y/n) informed. "And I got a pitch meeting at Wal-Mart in the morning..." Larry continued, and (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "You and your dumb business." She snapped. "He's right here. I think he'll have a thought on this." Amelia said as the three walked over to the thinker. "Mr. Thinker, we're sorry to interrupt your contemplation, but we really need to figure out the secret at the heart of Pharaoh's tomb." Amelia said. "I'm thinking. I'm thinking. I'm thinking. I'm thinking." Mr. Thinker said, and Larry shook his head. "It's not happening with him." He said. "Oh, wow. You've gotta be kidding me. Check that out!" Mr. Thinker said as he gestured to a female statue. "Oh, yeah." "Hey! Hey! Buddy! Over here! This is serious." Larry said, waving to get his attention. "It's a matter of life and death." (Y/n) said. "I'll tell you what's a matter of life and death. That beautiful lady over there. Hey, baby! Check out the gun show going on over here! Boom! Boom! Firepower!" Mr. Thinker said as he showed off. "He's certainly no Einstein." Amelia said. "Ya think?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah." Larry agreed. "Wait a minute. We saw a bunch of those." Larry said. "A bunch of whats?" Amelia asked. "Little Einsteins." (Y/n) said. "Where?" Amelia asked. "Over there, in Air and Space. We gotta get over there." Larry said. Larry turned around to see (Y/n) smiling at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing." She said. "Okay. Then why are you staring at me?" Larry asked. "I don't wanna miss a moment." She said. " All right, good, but we should get going, 'cause we..." (Y/n) suddenly slapped him. "Ow!" He shouted. "Why?" He asked. "You talk too much, Larry." (Y/n) then kissed him. She then stepped back in shock at what she had done. "I don't know why I did that, Larry. It's just, you've been gone for such a long time, and now you're back and I..." she trailed off. "I've really missed you." She said. "I... I've missed you too, but-" (Y/n) slapped him again. "Again, why?" Larry asked. (Y/n) kissed him again and he kissed back, Amelia was just watching with a smile, and the trio then looked up to see the cupids from earlier singing again. "Great, you're back. Okay. Yeah. Great. Love theme from Titanic, Good, but not really appropriate." Larry said as the trio began walking again. "You don't let yourself enjoy things much, do you, Mr. Daley?" Amelia asked. "Okay, you know what? It's not really the song choice. And by the way, you're a little pitchy." Larry snarked.

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