4| Thoughts

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POV Ethan

It's been almost a month since I've heard from Eva. I am home for the summer and my brother has two weeks before he graduates, and I couldn't be prouder. He's been telling me about his plans for prom but won't tell me whom he's taking, which is bugging me a little. I've been helping around the house and trying to find a summer job. So far, I have had no luck, which is weird since my brother somehow got a job.

"Hey Ethan, what are you up to?" Matt says, waltzing into my room like he owns the place. Typical.

"Nothing much. Are you finally going to tell me who you're taking to prom?" I ask for the hundredth time.

"Yeah, I like her, and I know you also like her." He says in a nervous voice, which is very unusual for him. He's the popular kid with a full scholarship to Stanford and Duke University and has girls at his feet.

"Why so nervous? Just tell me, I wanted to know who finally got you to ask them out instead of the other way around," I say, trying to calm him down.

"Okay, but let me finish first. You owe me," He says more seriously and calmly.

"I promise"

"Good, I asked Hailey to go to prom with me and she said yes, later on, we both agreed that it was a date and not just a friend thing. Before you said that you liked her first, I know but you never told me and I like her. I know graduation is close and while I've chosen to go to Duke, she is going to Columbia, but I truly like her and want to try something with her."

"We'll get back to her in a second. When did you choose Duke and more importantly why am I just finding this out?" I ask shocked. I won't tell him I'm hurt that he asked Hailey out, I shouldn't be since I still have Eva.

"I made a pros and cons list last week and decided last night. Don't worry you're the first person I've told."

"Okay that's a relief, I'm glad you'll be closer to me, on second thought it means Mom and Dad will visit more often you should go somewhere else," I say with a fake pout

"Hahaha very funny, but yeah I think Duke is the best choice for me." 

" So tell me about you and Hailey, proms in a few days. Did you get a tux yet?"

"No, I haven't, I was gonna ask if I could use one of yours that's why I actually come in." He says with a small smile.

After a while of catching up with each other, he leaves my room. I keep repeating the conversation that we had about Hailey. And it's clear that he really likes her, so I've decided to ignore my feelings for her. Okay, maybe not ignore them, but I won't pursue her while I'm here. Plus Eva is important to me, this only makes it clearer that I should be with her and not Hailey.

The next morning, I decided to go to the library and see if they needed any help over the summer, even if they didn't at least I had an excuse to leave my house. When I walk in, I think back to my high school days and notice that not much has changed since then. Just a few minor things that which is perfectly normal. As I walk up to reception to ask when I stop in my tracks to look at someone. She may have her back to me, but god I know who she is. 

Haliey, who is just as beautiful as I remember seeing her last. I think as I just stand there and stare at her. I don't realize till she turns around and says "Hey, are you okay?"


Author's note

Sorry. I know it's been forever since an update. I've been super busy with school.

I know it's a short chapter, will edit it later as ideas come to me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2024 ⏰

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