Chapter 23

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I squeeze my eyes shut, blinded by the light coming in through the window. It's too early and too bright. I can't be in my own bed. I've got curtains over my windows. It shouldn't be this bright in here. My body stirs. I peek through one eye, taking in my surroundings. I'm in my studio. I'm not alone here, though. Rio is right beside me, still fast asleep. My head rests over his arm, his warmth spreading over to me. His eyes are shut, his thick brows furrowed in a deep scowl. A few ringlets draped over his forehead. He has freckles. I haven't noticed them before. There are only a few, scattered across his nose and cheeks. His lips look dry, but they're still a perfect shade of dusty pink. His jaw is clenched shut. Whatever he's dreaming about, it can't be pretty.

He was so good last night. I shouldn't expect anything less. He's been great to me the past week. He listened. He cared. He shouldn't have seen any of this. He shouldn't have to know this. But he didn't blame me. He didn't think I was crazy or stupid or lying. He heard me.

I don't regret telling him. I'm glad I did. Someone has to know the truth. It's time. And I'm glad it was Rio. He seems to handle everything that comes his way. It's easier talking to him than it is to my family. They worry too much. They freak out. I don't need them to panic or stress or get mad. I just need them to be there. Rio is good at that. He knows how to handle me.

Rio starts to turn in his sleep. He lets out a tired groan before opening his eyes. He flinches at the sunshine. He tries again, slowly peeking out at the world around him. He's just as confused as I was.

"Violet?" he mumbles.

"Hi," I respond. "You can keep sleeping if you want."

"No, I'm awake," he raises his head up off the pillow, forcing his eyes open. "What time is it?"

"I don't know. I don't have my phone on me."

"Have you been up for long?"

"Not really, no. Just a few minutes."

Rio rubs his eye. He looks kind of... cute. His face is wrinkled and his lips are pursed. He looks like he should be curled up in bed — an actual bed.

"How did you sleep?" he asks. "I should've taken you inside — sleep in your own bed."

"No, I slept okay out here. It was a little cold, but it was fine. How about you?"

"Yeah, not bad. I'm stiff as fuck right now, though," he chuckles. "It's a good thing we don't have training today."

"I should get off you," I lift my head off his arm. It's probably numb by now.

"Nah, that's okay," he takes it back anyway, using it to perch himself up on the mattress. "We should head inside. Isaiah and Dani are probably worried."

"Yeah, I need my phone," I agree. I don't particularly want to face my cousins, but I'll have to eventually. I just need my phone. I know it'll have blown up by now. Jack will have called me a dozen times, at least. I want to know what he has to say. I want to know what he's saying about me and what he wants us to do from here. I don't even remember the details from last night, but it wasn't pretty. I think I hurt Isaiah when he took me outside, but I'm not sure. I hope I hurt Jack. He deserves it. He hurt me. There's a dull ache in my wrist, especially when I bend it. The bruise on my skin is ugly — it's hideous. It's blue, purple, and red. Some parts of it are even green. It's not a good sight, but it's not unusual. It's nothing compared to the injuries painted in this room.

I climb up onto my feet. I'd much prefer to stay in bed, but I can't. There's something I need to do today that can't wait. The sooner I get it done, the better — the quicker I can form a plan to get the hell out of here and leave Jack behind.

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