-gore--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------as the sun fall and the moon raised the bright blue sky changed in to a midnight blue as it filled the forest below this night was foggy and very clouded the cats could barely see what's in front of them,but still a patrol was sent out with river ' tail , willow ' spots , rose ' finder as the patrol left camp they patrolled by the bridge first slowly making their way to the gorge,as they walked and patrolled they felt an uneasy feeling like someone was watching them spying on them they eventually shake the feeling off but something still stayed in the air, a feeling of fear? stress? maybe even anger tho no one spoke up the patrol was silent only the sound of wind brushing by their ears, but soon river ' tail spoke up ''let's try to cheer up the mood shall we?'' River ' tail asked ''Yeah! good idea!'' willow ' spots answered back. as they continued to talk the patrol started to warm up and cheer up they came across a place to rest before continuing the patrol this place was over a oak tree covered in grassy green leaves. as they sat down and started to talk with each other, but it feel like the moon as watching them as it was painted in to the sky and the stars seemed like small eyes watching over them.
as the night continued the uneasy feeling started to come back stronger then before as the patrol grew silent once more. they decided to get up and start patrolling again as the reach the border by thunder clan's forest. the uneasy feeling grew strong and stronger as the continued it seemed like the night grew darker then ever before the only light sores that was giving off light was the moon. but was the sky and foggy and the clouds were thick they could barely even see each other as they continued to walk a weird smell came from the grass tho they brushed it off as dead prey. they couldn't help but try and find what was the cause off this weird smell they soon followed it smell of a a smell patch of tall grass, as the patrol walked thought the patch of tall grass one of the patrol members Rose ' Finder accidentally trip over something was the other members helps them.
Willow ' Spots looked over to what Rose ' finder tripped on as Willow ' Spots looked at what she Tripped on. Willow ' Spots eyes winded , what she seen made her sick to her stomach it was
{before i continue here the warning DON'T COME AT ME IN THE COMMENTS
warnings are 1 gore 2 animal death {bc this is base of warrior cats} 3 blood 4 morning 5 screaming }
what made her sick to her stomach was unbelievable as you could barely see who it was.... and that, this you might who what it is it's was Light ' Skies dead body but... something was so very wrong with her. Her body lays their bloody as all her fur , skin even her eyelashes were gone ripped off of her leaving her to die of blood loss or a fox to eat her. tho it seem weird because why would anyone do this? but even after they thought they couldn't think of a reason so they just left the body their and got ready to return back to camp. as dawn came to a rise Frost " pebble returned to camp and was already to tell the leader what she had seen. she walked pasted the medicine den hearing a voice she heard before. she looked in to the den seeing the med cat and... Light ' skies it was her really her though Frost ' Pebble thought but something seemed off something about her eyes... they weren't the light blue eyes she remembered it was a pare of blood shot eyes the coloring on it was just so different just so Dark. As Frost ' Pebble continued staring in to Light ' Skies eyes and soft and caring voice called out to her ''Don't trust the eyes'' She then shaped out of the blood shot eyes she was falling in to and looked around for who said that. but at last no cat was near her at the time. she was confused tho she just thought it was just in her head. she was about to step in to the med den to greet her friend but something in her gut told her not too. but as she was her best friend she ignored the feel in her gut as she walked closer to her friend she noticed Light ' Skies voice wasn't her it was deeper or even glitched like someone was trying to copy her voice. Frost ' Pebble decided to turn back but before she could Light ' Skies spoke up ''oh, Hello dear friend'' Frost ' Pebble looked at Light ' Skies ''Hello... Light ' Skies...'' Light ' Skies smirked tilling her head ''What's wrong? not happy to see me after so many moons?'' Frost ' Pebble went silent but shortly after spoke in a worried voice ''No it's just am wondering where did you go for those many moons?'' Light ' Skies laughed ''oh i was just taken by some rouges'' Frost ' Pebble was shocked not in the rouge taken her friend but more shocked at how she escaped the rouges and managed to come back to camp from the barn all the way to riverclan without the rouges noticing but brushed it off. she nodded at Light ' Skies then walking off without another word leaving the med den so continue her job was deputy.{ word count 970 not counting this but hope yall had a good time reading this and see yall in the next chapter sorry for the short chap}
the midnight rest
Randoma story about fours cat being followed by a unknown spirit as cats start going missing from the clan the see the unknown spirit is seen more and more