Chapter 5

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It was Monday and Gulf was already in school and looking for someone. He couldn't find the one he was looking for till the afternoon class. There was still 10 more minutes for the class to begin, students were chatting in groups and he was busy getting lectured on the subject from Gun.

Gulf did not see Bright coming to his desk. He only noticed when Bright placed a juice box next to his hand on the desk.

"Bright!" Gulf squealed happily.

"Gulf..sorry I couldn't reply back. Got caught up in some things." Bright said with a small smile.

"'s okie." Gulf wanted to show that he was bothered that Bright didn't reply or call back. But he didn't know if he had that right to be grumpy and also his friends were looking between Bright and him with a questioning look.

"So..can I take you to dinner today?"

"WHAT?" Eva almost shouted.

", shut up! They are just going out for dinner..not DATE..right Bright?" Mild said with a sarcastic sweet smile and looked at Bright. He secretly shipped them and was always there to help his best friend.

"So? At what time will you be done?" Bright was looking at Gulf with hopeful eyes.

Be still my heart...he is straight. He has a girlfriend. Gulf chanted non-stop but his face couldn't stop the pink spread to his ears.

"Yes, yes..he will come. He is free this evening." Gun replied on his behalf.

"But didn't you say that you will teach algebra to the three of us today?!" Eva asked Gun.

"Idiot take a hint" whispered Mild but Gulf heard it and blushed more.

By then the teacher came to the class.
"See you at parking lot Gulf." He said loudly as he walked back to his seat.

Gulf's cheeks were still warm and he tried to avoid his classmates' teasing gaze. As he turned back to his book he caught glimpse of angry but tearful Pam and now it felt someone pour a bucket of cold water on him.

Is Pam angry at him? I might have teeny tiny bit of feelings for him but I would never try to sabotage their relation. This is just dinner treat from a teammate.. should I not go? No no..Bright would feel is just food. Yeah! Gulf consoled himself.

After the classes the four friends were walking to parking lot.

"How will the prince charming take you to dinner? He doesn't have a car." Mild was thinking out loud.

"Is car the only transport in the world?" Gulf retorted.

"But you are used to it than public are too delicate for the bus ride" teased Eva.

"But looks like the prince has other ideas." Gun was looking ahead and couldn't stop smiling.

The other three followed his line of sight and saw Bright coming to them riding an old scooter.

"You are going on that Gulf?" Eva couldn't stop teasing him.

"Why what is wrong in that?...and Gun what is that smile about? You know something that I don't, don't you? What is it?" Gulf really couldn't see the issue.

"You will knowwww" Gun told in singy songy voice.

By then Bright stopped in front of them and with a proud and happy smile handed a helmet to Gulf.

"Hope you don't mind a ride on my scooter." Bright was never ashamed of what he has or he doesn't have in his life.

"Ofcourse not! I have never been on one. This seems fun." Gulf said with a giggle as he adjusted the helmet oh his head. "Bye guys, talk to you tomorrow."

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