Chapter 12

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The sun was bright and shiny but Gulf did not feel like getting up from his bed. It was almost 12 in the noon and he had told his parents that he had a headache and cooped up in the bed. The talk with Mew yesterday was still buzzing in his head and he was feeling sad that he hurt a good friend. But I never wanted to lead him on...he repeated again and again to erase the tiny dot of guilt in his heart. He sighed and searched for his cell phone. He had managed to reply to Bright's texts after leaving from Mew's house but they were all short and to the point.

He saw few missed calls and a long chain of texts from Bright. Oh the phone was in silent mode! He must be worried. Arrrggghh..why am I not able to function like a grown up!..Gulf scolded himself as he got up and went through his boyfriend's texts.

He called up Bright right away, it was better than texting to explain the events, and his boyfriend picked up his call on the second ring.

"Babe? You up now? Are you not feeling well?" Bright's voice showed the worry and Gulf felt like crying.


"Ya babe...What happened? Do you want me to come to you?"

"No it's okie. I am just tired and sleepy....and hurt?" Gulf sobbed a little.

"Why? what happened?"

"Mew and I.." did we break up?! No no..those are not the words! "...we kinda had misunderstanding?" Gulf thought what to say about the 'misunderstanding' yesterday.

"Oh!...And you are hurt about that and crying? Till now? Losing your sleep?...I mean you didn't pick any of my calls from the morning!" Bright was trying not to sound offended. If Gulf had cried over a fight with his close friends like Mild or Eva or Gun he would get it. But isn't this Mew guy a new friend? How much of an impact did he have on his boyfriend? Bright no don't go there...they are friends.

"Hmm..ya! The thing is I didn't expect we would have the misunderstanding. So...." Gulf knew Bright was not convinced of his explaination. Even he did not know how to continue and wiped his tears. He was worried that whatever he say will make Bright angry.

"Can I know what the 'misunderstanding' was Gulf?...may be I can help." Bright's voice dripped sarcasm and his effort to control it without knowing the entire story was going down in vain.

"Gulfie..are you up now? Feeling better? Have some food now son, you skipped breakfast too." Gulf's mother Jane entered the room with a tray full of food.

"Just a minute mom-" Gulf started but the voice in the cellphone just got louder. "Really Gulf? You skipped food? For the new friend? How close are you guys really?" Bright snapped.

"Bright..I will talk to you when we meet for lunch." Gulf whispered as his mom was setting up the food on the table in his room.

"It's already lunch time Gulf. I wanted to meet you as we planned..."

"But I... Mom is here and she will not allow me to go out when I am not well."

"Not well? really fell sick?!"

"Not sick sick...just a headache. I will explain it to you later."  Gulf whispered it all fast and cut the call.

"Your boyfriend seems to be worried" Jane smiled as she handed him soup.

"Hmm ya.." Gulf tried to smile back. Mew is sad and Bright is angry and mom is teasing...great! He thought as he ate.

His mom left the room after she made sure he ate everything she got him. She also instructed to rest well without any distractions.

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