Chapter 3

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A/N Sorry I haven't updated this or anything in forever! This account was taken by my mom, and I finally got it back! (Snuck it back XD)

Chapter 3

We all were gathered at a table in the music room after club hours, I explained everything to them. Kumori had her hood on and didn't say a word and was quickly and nervously glancing at Hikaru and blushing like mad. After I finished explaining there was a long awkward silence until finally kaoru broke the silence.

"So..You guys are childhood friends?" He asked, I nodded with a "Mhm".

"You're friends with a Nekozawa?" Hikaru said in a weird tone. Kumori Glared at him, she still was blushing.

"What's wrong with me being a Nekozawa?" She asked glaring.

"Well, I think I'm done for the day! Good work today Hitomi, you're doing pretty well as an amateur Host." Kyoya senpai said smiling his fake smile as usual.

"Host?" Kumori said tilting her head.

"Let's just say Hitomi is indebted to us." Kyoya senpai said in an evil tone.

"Unfortunately" I muttered, and Kyoya senpai gave me a nasty look.

"Well, it's getting pretty late, we should all be heading home. Tamaki, let's go" He said grabbing his bag and walking out the door as the blonde waved goodbye and followed him like a lost puppy.

"That's right! Takashi and I must go now. It's nice meeting you Kumo-chan! Bye everyone!" Honey senpai cheerfully as he waved goodbye and pranced out that door with Mori Glued to him.

"Yeah it was 'fun' talking to you guys, but we better get going." Hikaru said rudely, he got up from his chair and started walking out the door when Kumori grabbed his arm.

This time she had her hood off and was looking down and blushing. He looked at her weirdly and yanking his arm away giving her a strange look.

"S...sorry" She muttered.

"whatever" he muttered before walking away.

"I hope you get ran over and die" She muttered.

"Ahh the old bipolar Kumori" I thought chuckling.

Luckily he didn't hear, and grabbed Kaoru's arm and dragging him to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow Hitomi!!" Kaoru yelled waving and there was a tinge of pink on his cheeks. I waved back and smiled saying bye.

Now the room was silent, it was only Kumori and I left. We sat there awkwardly until Kumori busted out.

"OH MY GOD! DID YOU SEE HIM!! IT'S HIKARU! HE'S SO CUTE~!" She squealed grabbing me and shaking me, then she stopped and this evil dark aura appeared around her.

"But...did you see the way he said my name. How dare he say the Nekozawa's name in disgust! I SHALL CURSE HIS WHOLE FAMILY!" She yelled in triumph, I flinched.

"Kumori, you haven't changed one bit" I said, and we both started laughing.

"I really missed you Hitomi" She said smiling.

"Me too Kumomo" I said saying her old childhood nickname, she blushed in embarrassment as I laughed.


Kaoru's P.O.V.

In the Limo....

We sat there in silence, until finally Hikaru quietly said something, I couldn't hear him and he had a blush spread across his cheeks.

"What?" I asked curious at what he was thinking.

"N-Nothing!" He said, his face was flushed.

"Are you sure? You're blushing like crazy, it's nothing like you" I said, he was acting out of character.

"R-Really?!"He said touching his red cheeks with both hands, I sighed.

I sat there in silence and watched out the window, I then realised something.

"It must be about Kumori Isn't it?" I said, he blushed more.

'Ah, ha! I hit right on the nail!'

"How come back there you treated her like she was dirt?" I asked.

"W-Well, if people thought I liked a Nekozawa my reputation would fall" He said looking out the window, I sighed again.

"That's a horrible reason" I mumbled.

"H-Hey!! What about you!! You like Hitomi, don't you! I could see it on your face all day!' He exclaimed with his finger pointing in my face.

I was shocked, I actually didn't expect him to bring that straight up, I sat there dumbfound as I felt my face get hot, a blush was creeping onto my face.

"S-So! Idiot!" I yelled smacking his finger out of my face.

He sat back in his seat with a satisfied smirk, I kept looking out the window staring at the blur of the world.

So what if I like Her?...I like Hitomi Hiroshi....

Well that's the end of this chapter, it was lazily done >~< Gomen! Sorry if it sucked! It's the middle of the night and I'm exhausted.

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