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Resting in one of the unknown secluded places within the Palace was a woman in her early twenties. Her (hair color) hair tied into a messy yet elegant looking bun, on one hand was a lit up smoking pipe, a hobby that she developed at the amount of paperwork that needed to be down within the palace.

Her heterochromia eyes, one (eye color) and one reddish brown eyes stare at the pocket watch she grabbed with her free hand. Looking at it, a frown was visible on her face upon seeing that her break time would soon be over and she will have to go back into the advisor office soon.

Inhaling and puffing out smoke from the pipe, she soon turn it downwards to extinguish the small flame from within and step on it on the ground making sure the fire is out. Looking at her pocket watch once again, she let out a sigh and put her pipe on her spatial pocket.

"Back to fucking work."

Dragging herself back to the palace.

"Oh my, does his highness giving you a hard time?"

It was Tasha, one of people of the crown prince.

Same could be said to you.

But she was different. Others may not be aware but you knew the real relationship within the two. Aunt and nephew.

"Not really, I'm just having a hard time falling asleep lately."

"Is your insomnia back?"

"I don't know."

You sigh, rubbing your cheeks as the two of you headed back to the office of the crown prince.

"I heard some interesting news lately."

Tasha lean into you and whispered.

"What it is?"

"Were you not aware? Though I think it made sense. You cut off connections with your family after all."

By her words, you are now convinced it has something to do with your family.

And what she said was half truth half lie, You did not cut off your connections with your family. You are simply doing whatever you want. And for a County that stays neutral with the Prince's factions, you who decided to become Prince Albert's advisor was making thing difficult for your family that is why you decided to let everyone assume you have cut off your connections with them. Now and then you would often send letter to your household.

"What is it?"

So far your intel have not said anything out of extra ordinary when it comes to your family.

Come to think of it a reply letter was yet to arrive.

"I heard that your little brother is coming."


You could not help but to look at her in shock as the two of you came into the office of the Crown Prince.

The content of your recent letter main topic was not to send anyone from your family to the upcoming festival at the capital. You have told them it is okay not to send anyone and you had talk to the crown prince about it already.

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