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For someone who lived three lifetimes, you could say that you have lived quite the life. How would you say this. But out of these lives that you have lived through, this one seems to make the most out of you. Although not as much as it did in your first life, you could say that in this one, you constantly makes a process.

Your first life was in korea. One thing for sure that it was tiring, born as an orphan, mistreated in that very same orphanage. The only thing that was bearable in your early years was that you had found a little brother, Kim Rok Soo. In those dark days, he was your light. Sure he was quite the attitude but you know him better than his nonchalant ways of showing affections.

By the time you manage to make it out of the orphanage, you made sure to take Rok Soo with you. And by the time you manage to make it out of that hell hole, life seems to be mocking you as life gave yiu a real taste of hell. Life gave you apocalypse as soon as you manage to gain your freedom, just when you were trying to find a life. To be honest, you do not know how you manage to survive, you just kept dragging Kim Rok Soo with you.

In the midst of the apocalypse, in all that chaos as people kept dying. You met him, Lee Soo Hyuk. If Kim Rok Soo was the light that guides you in your darkest time. Lee Soo Hyuk was your compass that leads and show you the right way in life. He show you how to live again, how to adjust. He saved and teaches you another way of living, not just you but Rok Soo too. With him you met a lot of people, you lost a lot of people, with him, you found love and family.

Maybe that was the reason why you were so lost when he died. Why you became to distant. You lost a lot when you lost Lee Soo Hyuk died, it was not just him after all. Choi Jung Soo died too, you almost lost Rok Soo too. Or maybe you really did lost him after that incident, no. He lost you rather than saying that you lost him. You were the one who turned cold and distant with the excuse of grieving, you neglected the only remaining person whom you can call a family in your life.

You died in your sleep on your first life you were pretty sure of that. It was the day after you coldly brush of your monthly meeing with Rok Soo not too long after Lee Soo Hyuk and the others have died.

Maybe that was the reason why in your second life, no matter who your brother, your little brothers and sister get close to you. There was a wall that seemed to be in between you and them. Mostly because you thought that everything was too tiring. And maybe because the guilt of your first life on how you treated your supposed to be younger brother.

When your mother died, you did not even cry. You have no reason to cry, you are literally living your second life. You are an adult with apocalypse experience in a child's body. Besides, you were to distant to your family. Funny how you treated your former family, the one in Korea who literally was not your blood related relatives better than you actually family in your second life.

But there was something in the way Cale, your younger brother comforted your father when your mother that broke you inside. You have always been so distant, so cold and close hearted to him. But in that day, you saw something in Cale, Rok Soo.

Cale and Rok Soo were different person. You knew that but at the same time, you saw something in common about them. Them and their little, awkward ways of comforting someone they care about. In your second life, you finally found the light.

Sure you were tired, you found living troublesome. But somehow, in the presence of your brother, it was bearable. You are not as open are you were before, but you do when it comes to your brother. When yor father came home with his new wife, there was no violent reaction from you nor your brother, after all you knew thay you could protect him if there was a harm to come in your way in which thankfully, there were none.

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