❤️‍🩹/❤️ A Meaningful Warmth || 2bhank

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The complexity of the things he felt struck a faint fear in his mind among other things, it was so unknown to him, he couldn't navigate it, so he didn't. Instead he let it take control.

The feelings always stemmed from Doc.
Very very mild angst?? Idk it's mostly just Hank being edgy and trying to figure out what the fuck feelings are and he's like all like grrr grrrr stop making me have gay thoughts playboi carti!!! /ref

(but with 2bdamned,,,, not playboi carti)

Word count: 3331
Hank stood with his hands at his sides clenched into fists in front of the worn paned window, his gaze settled on the atmosphere of the despondent, ash grey wasteland, the horizon line was all but a blurred red glow that moved and wavered under the heat of a smog clouded sun; it remains a mystery to Hank how it's still able to get this hot all while being so dark. Even inside the cement confines of their base, he could still feel as his skin grew tacky with sweat from the intense summer heat. To be frank, his clothes probably weren't dealing a whole lot of justice to the cause either, he was incredibly overdressed.

On the other hand, there was something else that caused this unbearable heat to cloak the mercenary.

You couldn't tell by looking at Hank straight on, but there was something, someone, on his mind. It had been that way all day, poking and prodding. What nicked at him more, though, was the burning sensation that formed in his stomach every time these thoughts would resurface, normally, he could ignore it and carry on, but today it was just digging at him, clawing and consuming him from the inside out like some sort of ravaged parasite, threatening to sear through his skin with every waking moment; it made him feel weak, vulnerable, fictile, like a handful of play-doh.

The complexity of the things he felt struck a faint fear in his mind among other things, it was so unknown to him, he couldn't navigate it, so he didn't. Instead he let it take control.

The feelings always stemmed from Doc.

His face grew hot as he pondered, staring blankly out the window as he ran laps around the inside of his skull. Everything that Doc said stuck with Hank like a thorn in his side, the doctor seemed to know all too well just how to rend the words from his lips, leaving him to hold his breath wordlessly. Hank couldn't compete with it. He didn't know how. How could he? He was supposed to be an emotionless husk, a killing machine with no morals, a cold-blooded assassin, nothing but an employee for other's dirty work, yet here he found himself, being turned to mush every time that stupid doctor would nonchalantly say something that would knock him into orbit.

It was almost too nonchalant to be an accident, surely; Doc had to know what he was doing. He was a cunning man, able to come up with just the right thing to say and speaking it without ever faltering or thinking twice, and Hank wouldn't put that possibility past him in the slightest.

Despite this, despite the fear, and the complex unknown, Hank found himself seeking the things Doc made him feel. He craved that feeling, the one that tied his stomach in knots, akin to the way fear did. Nothing could ever get him to admit that fact out loud, he lacked not only the knowledge of how he could possibly put such intricate feelings into words, but the courage to admit to his vulnerability.

Before he met Doc, Hank hated the thought of ever letting someone make him feel this way, his whole life he tried his absolute hardest to stray away from feelings as such, never wanting to experience them, dreading the thought of even experiencing them for a second. He saw them as a burden, something that will only get in the way, weaken him.

Hank is still not one for sentiments, but for some reason, this was different. This was the only exception he allowed himself to make. Instead of detest, this made him feel... warm. Not a physical warmth, but a warmth that was deeper. A more meaningful warmth than anything else could ever provide, and he couldn't seem to get enough of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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