Celebrating their 30th anniversary, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Pinky, Brain, and all their friends have survived that meteor, and they're back for one last round of ZANY ANTICS!!
With the help of a fresh new CEO who takes Nora's job and demotes her over to...
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If you'd like to sing along, please refer to the instrumental above.
Warners: It's time for Animaniacs! And we're zany to the max! So just sit back and relax. You'll laugh 'til you collapse! We're Animaniacs! Yakko and Wakko: Come join the Warner brothers, Dot: And the Warner sister, Dot! Warners: Just for fun, we run around the Warner movie lot. They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught! But we break loose, and then vamoose, And now you know the plot! We're Animaniacs! Dot has fun, and Yakko yaks. Wakko packs away the snacks. This may be our last comeback! We're Animaniacs! Meet Pinky and the Brain, who want to rule the universe! An angry gnome in people's mouths who'd often cuss and curse! Cindy plays with Starbox, and Nora gets a verse! This season's gonna be so great, the nerds are gonna burst! Warners, Pinky, and Brain: We're Animaniacs! You should see our new contracts. We're zany to the max! There's baloney in our slacks! We're animanie! Totally insane-y! Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Pinky, Brain, all five of them, all the Warners, or literally any other character: (Insert variable -y line here) Warners, Pinky, and Brain: An-i-man-i-acs! Those are the facts! —————————————————————— Visuals: The intro is very much the same as the reboot's. However, due to this being the final season, there are a few changes in the setup. Instead of tickling Ralph, the Warners tickle a binge-watching Nora, with Yakko pulling the chair away to send her crashing into the floor (though Ralph still appears in the xylophone line).
On the part when it goes "But we break loose, and then vamoose, and now you know the plot", Yakko sings "But we break loose" at the camera, running offscreen to the left to reveal Wakko, who then sings "and then vamoose" as he runs offscreen to the right to reveal Dot, who finishes with "and now you know the plot". Dot then pulls down on the frame like an old projector screen as then the usual "We're Animaniacs" logo shot happens like normal.
Instead of Dot entertaining the audience with stand-up comedy, both Dot and Pinky are seen doing a silly dance together. Instead of a yak Yakko is annoying with his constant jibber-jabber, it's Brain, who just facepalms in agony as he faints. After Wakko eats food from the truck, the Warners are seen emerging from their graves (with their year of death being 1998, the year the original series ended), where they hold up a laptop, on the screen there being a note from Wattpad about how this is the last season.
On any episodes where the line "This my be our last comeback" is replaced with "Gigi Soda plays the sax", the camera pans upwards to show Gigi playing a saxophone signed by Bill Clinton, and the Warners hanging all around her. Gigi stops playing and joins in with her siblings once they sing "We're Animaniacs".
The xylophone line has different characters, though Nora, Ralph and Dr. Scratchansniff stay.
Pinky curiously rubs the magnet and gets some paint of his paw instead of gazing at it. The Incredible Gnome In People's Mouths pops out of Yakko's mouth, cursing all the way. Cindy grabs Starbox and stuffs him into a cannon, firing him out of it. As he flies overhead, the Warners take out a magic hat, and Nora pops out of it, holding a sign that says "I don't get crazy enough for this".
The screen zooms out to reveal it being a video on Gigi Soda's phone. The Warners appear behind her as well as an eager crowd of Animaniacs fans and show her a photo on Yakko's tablet, causing Gigi and the crowd to faint in utter glee. The photo itself is of the siblings' original designs and reads "Est. 1993", referencing the year the original Animaniacs premiered.
The Warners, Pinky, and Brain are seen walking across a stage. They are then seen signing a contract for ''one last season" by Death, who makes the contract disappear afterwards.
On the "We're zany to the max!" part, it's still the same, except now Pinky and Brain are beside Wakko and Dot respectively. Instead of usually throwing slices of baloney into Yakko's slacks, Dot is seen slicing a loaf of bologna with a meat grinder to produce slices, which Pinky takes a bite of as they fall into the slacks. Brain cautiously holds on to the slacks as the slices are falling into them.
Also, the screen zooms out (like the original), with the Warners, Pinky, and Brain singing "We're animanie! Totally insane-y!" with many other neon lights and signs of all five of them and verses they just sang. Like the original, the variable verse occurs and the song ends with the show's logo and everyone singing the show's title, proclaiming "Those are the facts".