Official Trailer (NARF!)

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The Warners are back for one...



The new CEO, Dylan Demando, smacks a contract written "APPROVED" onto his desk.

Dylan: Congrats, Warners, Pinky, and Brain! You've just earned yourself one last season of 10 new episodes!

The Warners, Pinky, and Brain all cheer!

Warners: YES! Wooo!!

Pinky: Hooray! Isn't this exciting, Brain?

Brain: Maybe, Pinky. Maybe.

Pinky: Let's go get some pizzas! Woo-hoo! WHOA—

Pinky slips up off the desk, crashing into something offscreen.

Warners: It's time for Animaniacs!
And we're zany to the max!

Nora: I still can't believe you sold our show rights from Hulu to Wattpad!
Dylan: Sorry, Nores. What can I say? Business is business, amirite?

Yakko and Wakko: Come join the Warner brothers,
Dot: And the Warner sister, Dot!
Warners: Just for fun, we run around the Warner movie lot.

They're still zany...

Warners: They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught!

But insane-y times INFINITY!

Warners: But we break loose, and then vamoose,
And now you know the plot!

Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Pinky: I think so, Brain...But isn't this running gag of me saying a witty anecdote to what you're thinking of becoming very tiresome after awhile?
Brain genuinely looks shocked at Pinky's words.
Brain: Surprisingly...yes, Pinky. But this last plan will still work, and then we'll finally...TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
Pinky: But what if it doesn't?
Brain: What?
Pinky: What if this last scheme of yours doesn't work or come to fruition due to my bumbling and oblivious meddling? What's to become of us then, Brain?
Brain: I...haven't thought of that before, Pinky...I really never thought of what we'd accomplish next...

Cut to the end of this season's brand-new intro, with Pinky and Brain joining the Warners at the "animanie, totally insane-y" part.

Warners: We're animanie!
Totally insane-y!
Warners: Say it again-y!

Animaniacs (2020): Season 4

Warners: Those are the facts!

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