The Warners are back for one...
The new CEO, Dylan Demando, smacks a contract written "APPROVED" onto his desk.
Dylan: Congrats, Warners, Pinky, and Brain! You've just earned yourself one last season of 10 new episodes!
The Warners, Pinky, and Brain all cheer!
Warners: YES! Wooo!!
Pinky: Hooray! Isn't this exciting, Brain?
Brain: Maybe, Pinky. Maybe.
Pinky: Let's go get some pizzas! Woo-hoo! WHOA—
Pinky slips up off the desk, crashing into something offscreen.
Warners: It's time for Animaniacs!
And we're zany to the max!Nora: I still can't believe you sold our show rights from Hulu to Wattpad!
Dylan: Sorry, Nores. What can I say? Business is business, amirite?Yakko and Wakko: Come join the Warner brothers,
Dot: And the Warner sister, Dot!
Warners: Just for fun, we run around the Warner movie lot.They're still zany...
Warners: They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught!
But insane-y times INFINITY!
Warners: But we break loose, and then vamoose,
And now you know the plot!Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Pinky: I think so, Brain...But isn't this running gag of me saying a witty anecdote to what you're thinking of becoming very tiresome after awhile?
Brain genuinely looks shocked at Pinky's words.
Brain: Surprisingly...yes, Pinky. But this last plan will still work, and then we'll finally...TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
Pinky: But what if it doesn't?
Brain: What?
Pinky: What if this last scheme of yours doesn't work or come to fruition due to my bumbling and oblivious meddling? What's to become of us then, Brain?
Brain: I...haven't thought of that before, Pinky...I really never thought of what we'd accomplish next...Cut to the end of this season's brand-new intro, with Pinky and Brain joining the Warners at the "animanie, totally insane-y" part.
Warners: We're animanie!
Totally insane-y!
Warners: Say it again-y!
AN-I-MAN-I-ACS!Animaniacs (2020): Season 4
Warners: Those are the facts!
Only on Wattpad!

Animaniacs (2020): Season 4!
FantasyCelebrating their 30th anniversary, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Pinky, Brain, and all their friends have survived that meteor, and they're back for one last round of ZANY ANTICS!! With the help of a fresh new CEO who takes Nora's job and demotes her over to...