Previously On...: Just the last part of last season. Nothing special, until...
Cold Open: FrankenWarned: Pinky and Brain put their latest world domination plan on pause to revive the crushed-off Warners...with help from the Revivinator, Brain's latest invention, of course. Eventually after they return to life, the Warners drag Pinky and Brain back with them to the lot, smoothly transitioning back to the iconic theme song once again!
WB & WattP-A-D: When a new CEO named Dylan Demando bursts in out of nowhere, demotes Nora to Assistant CEO, and has the Warners, Pinky, and Brain sign a new contract, the five may finally be able to make this last season of Animaniacs as crazy as they want to—but not too crazy!
MasterClax: Pt. 1: Pinky coaxes Brain into signing up for a MasterClass in relaxation. But once Brain begrudgingly goes along with it, he soon finds out that the class actually works!
Soda-prived: Set immediately after the events of last season's Soda-pressed, Gigi Soda has officially gone CRAZY (maybe even a little crazier than the Warners)! Can one of her biggest fans step up to change Gigi back to normal?
Rule-Gold-Iceberg Device: Pinky makes his own little contraption, which proves to be mighty handy once Brain tries taking over the world with it. But what happens once Pinky gets credited for all the work, and becomes ruler of the world?
Boss Battle: Nora and Dyl duke it out to see who's better at taming the Warners, Pinky, and Brain, to unexpected results.
Gigi...Warner?: After a whole episode of going insanely nuts back in Soda-prived, Gigi's calmed down while her popstar career has dwindled into nothing. Luckily, this leads the Warners into letting her stay with them. And that causes Gigi to think that being like her new life now. Hoo boy!
Nora & Pinky's How-To: CEO-ing: Nora helps Pinky out with his next big How-To video! And this time, it's on CEO-ing (doing whatever CEOs like Nora can do)! But can Pinky really withstand Nora's workaholic personality?
MasterClax: Pt. 2: With Brain now stuck in the MasterClax trance, Pinky tries out multiple ways to get it to stop...but to no avail.
Dr. Dot!: Expanding on that one moment from Season 1's Hindenburg Cola (you know the one), Dot takes on Hello Nurse's former role, much to her brothers' (and new sister's) chagrin.
Party At Brain's House!: Brain disguises his and Pinky's cage into a suburban household, and throws a wild party that'll soon put its partygoers to sleep, rendering them helpless as he'll then take control! But once Pinky intervenes, will he really get this party going?
Starbox & Cindy: Relationship?: Cindy thinks her and Starbox's friendly bond can go a whole lot further than just getting in the way of Starbox's contact button....especially once Cindy pushes said button. Uh-oh!
Wakko's Short Shorts: Inescapable: Wakko can't get a song Gigi made up out of his head.
It's Gonna Be May: After the Warmers leave her funeral, May the mayfly rises out from the grave! She's packing heat, and she wants her revenge! But just how will she torture the Warners?
Starbox & Cindy: Comfort Food: Cindy decides to feed Starbox some comfort food before his alien brethren arrive. But due to pushing the button back in Relationship, will the Grimlox make peace with Cindy, or attempt to destroy her?
The Incredible Gnome In People's Mouths: Joyride: The titular Gnome invades the Warners' home while they're out filming, trying to hitch a ride on their new lawnmower!
Nora and Pinky's How-To: Zany: Nora tries to lighten up a little and actually help Pinky with another How-To, this time on getting advice from Gigi and the Warners on how to be zany. Wow. How ridiculous can this get?!
Starbox & Cindy: Dinner Date: Cindy invites the Grimlox leader to a dinner date to show that she's been taking good care of Starbox while they were up in space still waiting for him.
Way Back Warners: Yakko, Gigi, and Dot try out Wakko's time-traveling microwave idea again. Only to end up back where their 22-year return all began, with no way of getting back to 2023!
MasterClax: Pt. 3: Pinky tries to counteract the MasterClax trance with his own, causing Brain to now only think of...eating no-bake cheesecakes. Hold on to your apron, Pinky!
The Incredible Gnome In People's Mouths: Construction Mech: The gnome has had enough of life itself, and threatens to destroy Earth with a construction mech...but not til the mech brutally kills him, never letting him see the light of day again. Booyah!
Starbox & Cindy: Finale: After making peace with both Starbox and his fellow aliens, can Cindy really tell everybody in town about them? Or will Starbox have to make her keep it a secret?
MasterClax: Pt. 4: With Brain still in his relaxation trance, Pinky tries getting money for building materials to build something that'll snap Brain out of it! And how to get the money? A lemonade stand, of course!
Nora & Pinky's How-To: Balloon: Nora and Pinky don't know what this How-To video will be about...until Pinky brings over a deflated balloon. Hopefully once inflated, maybe Nora could find her bright side! Either that, or Pinky might try to juggle it.
Wakkorotti's Blue Soda-Nube: The Great Wakkorotti puts on one heck of a last performance, complete with having Gigi join in...on farts!
MasterClax: Pt. 5: With all the money finally funded, Pinky has got all the parts he needs for his gadget that'll fix Brain and stop the MasterClax trance for good! But if only he could get tips from Brain on how to actually build it first! It's a good thing the old Brain had left behind a tape recorder, with all five volumes of "How To Build A Trance-Disabling Gadget To Save Your Best Pal"!
Nora's How-To: Flu: Since Pinky can't help her get better due to Brain getting a head start on his latest plan, Nora tries to film a How-To on getting rid of the flu since she has it. But how can she if she's sneezing and coughing so much? Maybe Dr. Scratchandsniff could help out?
Moving Day?: The time has finally come for the Warners to move out of their tower and into reality, but can they really bear to say goodbye to the home they've once lived in for 30 years?
One Last Plan!: With ACME Labs officially closing, Pinky and Brain stage one last plan to finally try to take over the world! But can Brain really succeed for once, or will Pinky ruin his big plan as per usual?
THE END!: Dylan finally closes the contract with Wattpad, leaving the Warners, Gigi, Pinky, and Brain's lives open to venturing the rest of the world. But how will he, Nora, Ralph, and the rest of the studio survive without them?

Animaniacs (2020): Season 4!
FantasyCelebrating their 30th anniversary, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Pinky, Brain, and all their friends have survived that meteor, and they're back for one last round of ZANY ANTICS!! With the help of a fresh new CEO who takes Nora's job and demotes her over to...