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Chapter 2: Surprised to see you here again

It has been a few months since I've last seen Leehan. Typical. What's not typical is what I observed today. I was so excited to talk with Jaehyun- who isn't even close to me. Reason being, Leehan had just opened his Instagram and turns out he has gotten fifteen followers already. I had so many urges to drop that follow request but a part of me was aware that he doesn't remember me. Plus, I was too shy to talk to him.

"Just follow him already! It's worth a try." Jaehyun suggested. Nah. Hell nah. I shook my head rapidly in denial. "It's just a follow button come on!" He tried to convince me but he failed unfortunately. I told him I was shy enough to and I'd rather do something useful. Of course, he still didn't give up.

"Ehhh, if you don't follow him, I'll follow him!" He winks at me. Then, he got his phone and stalked his account. I snatched it away and said fine. Ugh, me following him on Instagram is better than him following and potentially messaging him. Ain't that risky? 

I had to take my phone and return back his phone. Like an idiot, I followed him. Now I've to wait for his follow back, which most likely won't be done because his following seems lesser than his followers count.

His pfp though, attractive as hell

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His pfp though, attractive as hell. I can't help but blush when I see it. I zoomed it and took a screenshot. He's got me so done for.

Well, now that I'm aware about Jaehyun also having Instagram, I asked him whether I can add him. He told me to give my id so of course I gave it to him.

This is my id, pretty aesthetic enough.

After classes ended, I got a ping from my phone, which showed that I had a follow request

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After classes ended, I got a ping from my phone, which showed that I had a follow request. I checked it and I was almost at the verge of fainting. Leehan requested me back?! I'm really lucky then. Now I can stalk him anytime I want and see what's going on in his life. Truly amazing indeed.

I skipped around the neighbourhood, while returning home. Suddenly, one of my friends approached me and asked me why was I being giddy. I looked at my phone, with his profile there, and I blushed so hard. God I wish I could undo that because what Woonhak did next was snatch my phone. He saw his profile and giggled at me.

"Getting your crush's Insta, huh?" He smirked at me. I shook my head. Leehan?! Crush? No way! I ain't a simp. "Then what's this? Holy shit. This dudes name is Leehan?! He looks pretty though."replies him. Yes, he looks hella attractive.

"I know right!" I squealed alongside. He pointed at me and said, "Aha! Knew it you have a crush." How do I hide my whole existence?Stupid bitch Woonhak. I swear, at times he can go wild and I'm scared about that. I got back my phone and slid it into the pocket.

"So?Have you made a move yet?" The younger curiously asked. I shook my head again. He crossed his arms and did a 'hmph' at me. Typical Kim Woonhak. So cute of him.

"I'm too scared to." I had a small giggle and scratched my head. "Well, fetch him before someone gets him." sai Woonhak. Ew, I ain't gonna date him at all. I mean, I don't even like him! I am just interested to know how is he currently.

"Sure." He rolled his eyes. I'm being serious and this stupid idiot is getting goofed up again. Silly him. "We both just follow each other on Instagram." I told him. "Maybe y'all won't be just followers anymore." He shipped us. Like stop, I'm genuinely going to get some hopes in the future if they continue doing this.

I scowled at him and he giggled. Seriously. Woonhak ugh. I was probably so mad and tired that I needed to go home and take a break. Maybe that'll help to stop me from thinking about Leehan.


End of chapter 2
I swear I'm so busy usually but I'm back at Wattpad so let's see if I can update more
- author (Raylene)

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