chapter 32

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<<Saturday morning>>

( by the way, a lot of new youtubers came for this event because its in la so yeah)

in the morning, we woke up to Dunkin Donuts that the tour got us. we just ate in our rooms while we got ready.

I wore a mint green flowy shirt tucked into light pink shorts with a floral jacket thing over it. I wore tan sandals, my hair in a cute but messy bun and light makeup.

when I was ready, I went to finish eating. I got a text from Taylor, "come to the couch in the hall" I took my donut and went there.

"you look nice" he said

"thank you" I said with a smile

"so what'd you wanna talk about"

"i just wanted to tell you that grayson came up to me the other day and apologized for the whole thing in Houston.

"oh that's good, so are you two all good now?" I asked

"yeah we're fine, how are you two?" he asked

"good, thank you"

"okay, well i'll see you soon" he said.

we stood up and went back into our rooms.

at 10:25 we all met downstairs to go to the event. today they were doing a small meet and greet that will only take 45 minutes, then a small VIP show.

while the meet and greet was going on, me and liz snuck out and walked around. it was so pretty. we were right next to the beach and there were palm trees everywhere.

"i never want to leave" I told liz

"me either" she said

when we were walking around, we found a Smoothie King, and stopped to get smoothies. after a while of walking around, we headed back. when we got back, they were half way through the show, so we hung out back stage.

everything was done at 1 and we left at 2. the rest of the day was a free day where we could do anything.

on the limo ride back, I sat by grayson.

"when we get back, you can touch up and rest, and then at 6, we're going to dinner, okay?" he said

"of course" I said

when we got back, andrea told me that her and lohanthony, Rebecca, jennxpenn and Andrew (the fab five) were gonna film a video. I told her I'd just stay and watch quietly. thatsojack came into my room while they were filming too and he watched too. we started talking and he was really nice.

when they were finished, it was 4, so I still had 2 hours. I texted liz, asking her where she is and she said she was in the hotel's arcade with teala. I told her I was coming down and I made my way down.

we hung out down there for a while, and at the end, teala had a teddy bear and liz had a bouncy ball. when we went back to the room it was 5:26 so I decided to touch up my hair and makeup and then find grayson.

I knocked on graysons door, and jack let me in. "he'll be out in a minute" he said

"okay thanks"

"you know grayson and his hair" ethan said

"shut up ethan" grayson yelled from the bathroom

he came out and I stood up to give him a hug. he grabbed my hand and we left. we got a taxi and went to dinner at TGI Fridays, because its not classy but its not a fast food place.

we ate dinner and then ordered a skillet cookie for dessert, it was so good.

when we were done, we payed and then left. we decided to walk back to the hotel because it wasn't that far of a walk.

we got back to the hotel, and as always, went into nash and taylors room. we hung around, people made vines and snapchats and we just had a great time. we went to bed around 2 because we didn't have to wake up early tomorrow.

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