Cafe drama and practice disaster

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It's about a month away from the free skate, so Ada and I have lots of time and have mostly just been enjoying ourselves. However, since our little display during our short program we're being followed practically everywhere by reporters and just average skate connoisseurs. The only places we have privacy are Ada and I's rooms.
In spite of that Ada and I are planning to bear the glaring eyes of the public and go on a little outing today.
"You ready to piss off some homophobes?"
"Absolutely!" I say with excitement in my voice, I can't wait to visit the the cafe. Recently the homophobes haves been congregating at the local cat cafe because Ada, Hayden and I have been spotted there a few times. Due to this, they come there and wait, so this time Ada, Hayden, and I are flipping the script and ambushing them instead.
Ada and I enter the cafe and already a show is going down between Hayden and some guy, but it doesn't seem to be related to what we came here for.
"Being with you was worth facing the world's judgment, Ivan. But you chose to walk away instead of standing strong together. It hurts more than you'll ever know to know you valued your goddamn reputation more than you'd ever value me!" I hear those words and immediately know what I walked into, an unwanted reunion between Hayden and his ex.
"Hayden, Im not getting into this here, I don't even want you anymore."
"Did you ever?"
"Of course I did! I love you more than you seem to recognize for years!"
"How come you fucking left me then!" It's so surreal to see Hayden so upset, he's usually like sunshine, but now he's a hurricane.
"I was scared ok! And of course thats no goddamn excuse. I thought I was protecting you from the worlds hate, but in reality, I hurt you more. I'm so sorry for breaking your heart, now go be happy without me somewhere else please, I can't look at you anymore." I watch as they both pause for a minute, unable to move.
"...I thought you didn't want me anymore?"
"Ok, so what, I still love you, is that what you want to hear?"
"I still love you too ok, but that doesn't mean I trust you, you broke that beyond repair."
"I'm sorry, I would be willing to put in the work to repair it." Holy shit, is this really happening? I can't wait to hear what Hayden says next.
"Maybe sometime, but not right now."
"Thats fair, Im gonna leave now." Ivan says, removing himself from the situation.
Hayden turns to watch him walk away and spots Ada and I staring wide eyed by the door.
"How- How much did you see?"
"Umm." I say, unable to speak, Ada speaks up to save me.
"We walking in part way through, we saw the angst though."
"Sorry you guys had to see that."
"Hey, it's ok." I say, going to give him a hug. Hayden immediately accepts my embrace and wraps himself around me, I hear him choking back tears. While we're hugging a reporter tries to interrupt,
"So, Hayden, how do you feel about seeing your ex? The one who left you after word got out?", but Hayden doesn't have time to attempt to answer before Ada steps between the reporter and us.
"Hey, don't rub salt in the wound!" She says to him.
"I'm not", He responds, "Im simply getting his side of the story."
"Well if you do that leave him alone i'm gonna make you piss off!"
"Oh, little girl, you don't scare me."
Ada swings her arm backwards and punches the reporter in the face. I scream in shock and pull her back.
"Ada, Hayden, let's bounce!" I say, as we all run out of the cafe. As we run Hayden says to Ada,
"You know, you could go to jail for that!"
"Eh, you're worth it!" She replies. Once we're far enough away we stop running and Hayden says.
"You know, we really should have just taken my car."
"We can walk back and you can drive us to your place?" I reply
"Sure! Sounds like fun!" Hayden excitedly says back.
"I don't often have visitors, so excuse if it's a little messy."
"Oh, I don't mind." Says Ada.
"Of course you don't, you live in a war zone!"
"Hey! My place is so much worse!"
"Why are you flaunting that?!" I say, confused.
"Haha!" Hayden erupts in laughter, and soon we all do.
It doesn't take to long to get back to Haydens car, and not long after that we're at his place. Despite what he said it looks rather neat, lived in, but homey. Green and brown scatters the room in the form of pillows and blankets, his bookshelves are tall and filled to the brim.
"Make yourselves at home!" He says, taking a seat on his leather couch.
"Wow! You're place is pretty sweet!" Exclaimed Ada.
"I know, It's so cozy!" I say back, I just want to cuddle up with all the pillows. It's like his couch is inviting me to take a nap.
We all chat for a while at Haydens place before we have to part our separate ways.

In a couple weeks time we're feeling the pressure for the competition, despite the last competition I still fear of letting Ada down. I know she'll love me regardless, but what if that all changes when things go wrong for real? They never have for us pair skating before, and next time we will he up against the best of the best. Striving for perfection will ultimately make my skating ridged, but I can't help but feel like perfection is the ultimate goal in any sport, especially skating.
We are meeting up with Hayden, but he is not here just yet. Ada sees me as I shake my leg and twitch, something I do when anxious, and says to me,
"Lets start with the triple axel, I know you'll nail it in time."
"Fine, I hope I don't bruise my ass again." I say with a snarky tone. Ada frowns a little bit in reaction, and I begin to feel a bit bad. I didn't mean to take it out on her.
We take our positions, but as Ada extends her arms to lift me in the air I feel hesitant to try again. I think Ada sensed this as next she says,
"Just trust me" softly, but I tense up, making it harder for Ada to lift me.
"I am trusting you!" I snap, pulling away from Ada. I watch as Adas eyes widen, she looks a little appalled by my outburst.
Hayden suddenly walks in and breaks the tension.
"Is something the matter here?"
"No." I say firmly, not wanting to admit i'm struggling. I feel trapped by this feeling, I don't want to let anyone down, or else they might leave me. I must be perfect, I would just be a burden if I asked for help.
Ada and I for the next bit of the session are unusually out of synch, our previous chemistry and trust seemingly disappeared. Frustration builds inside me as I struggle to live up to the expectations I put upon myself in attempts to make Ada love me.
Ada and I attempt a triple lutz, a move we have always been able to do, but as soon as she tosses me I feel off. I tumble to the ground and begin to cry endlessly. Hayden and Ada both rush to my side.
"Did you hit your head? Are you alright?" Hayden asks me, but i'm crying to hard to respond.
"No you idiot it's emotional, she's been off all day." Ada says to Hayden.
"What do you think the problem is?"
"Honestly me, but I'm not sure what I did." I feel so guilty, I didn't mean to make Ada feel like she'd done something wrong, so I blurt out what's really going on.
"Ada, I'm sorry if I've been snapping at you! It's just that the pressure to succeed at the Olympics is weighing on me, and I'm scared I won't be good enough. I never wanted to take it out on you, and I feel so guilty about doing all that stuff, I just really don't want to loose you." I say before wailing more, Ada picks me up and rests me on her shoulder.
"Hey, it's gonna be ok, like I said before I don't care if we win, I just care that you're ok."
"But what if we loose and then you change your mind."
"Delilah, I get you're under pressure, but just take a load off. I know I worried you in the past because I needed to win, but I promise I have different values now."
"Oh yeah what are they!"
"You, I value you, more than anything in the world." She says, stoking my back, and kissing my forehead.
"Im sorry..." I whisper between fits of tears.
"Its ok." She says, once we are done talking Hayden also come in and gives me a hug, making sure i'm ok.
We finish up crying on the ice, then pack up and go home. I hope this won't happen at the free skate as well.

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