part 1

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Information; Niall has type 1 diabetes (and Liam has an unknown type of diabetes) and is constantly ill with something.He is also extremely intelligent but no-one is aware besides close family and some educators. Niall attends an online university at night Monday to Thursday which not known by anyone.
Btw- a dexcom checks your blood sugar, 4 is low, 6 is normal and above 10 is high and an insulin pump is a machine that helps deliver insulin for food/carbs or to stop high blood sugar also known as a spike.

Niall's pov;
The entirety of today was focused on work, not that it wasn't fun. The boys and I had finished recording our new album 'Made in the AM', did an interview and around 3 meet and greets so to celebrate our productivity, we went to Nandos, the best place on earth. I ordered a double Chicken wrap (Medium) without lettuce, some spicy rice, 5 medium wings and the classic perinaise, delightful.

Anyway, that night, when back from nandos, I went to our penthouse style Hotel and decided to tidy my bedroom, mainly daydreaming about  the nandos I had previously eaten but it was beginning to look liveable again until a shooting pain hit my left shoulder, unexplainably. I then decided to lie in bed reading until around 2 am when I decided to sleep, but couldn't the pain would leave and return in waves whilst making my arm feel filled with poisonous water. I finally gave in and went to the main living area to get some painkillers greeted by complete darkness besides my small phone light before going to be to listen to green noise on my cd player.

Liam's pov;
Last night was so much fun, nandos, a late night film with Louis, and I in the evening. Couldn't ask for anything more. I woke, checked the time and it read 6, it was time to wake the boys. I always begin with harry, he is the second morning person in the band after myself. I walked to his bed and said,"Harry, wake up mate, fifa can't play itself", he immediately awoke and began singing video games by lana del rey.

Without zayn in the band, the big challenge was waking the sleeping duo known as Louis and Niall. I ran to louis' room, shouting "get up, sort them, I have work to do" louis reacted with his typical don't mess with me face so I backed away. Readying myself to wake the biggest challenge currently, Niall. He is not a morning person, may aswell be nocturnal. I checked Niall's dexcom G4 that showed his perfect blood sugar and I proceeded to shout "Get up lazy, no messing around, we actually want to be on time today." Although Niall is extremely sensitive, he needs to experience some tough love.

Niall's pov
I woke this morning to a shouting Liam and a searing pain in my shoulder travelling to my neck and arm. I knew we had an hour until we had to go to an important interview, but I also knew I was tired and slow. I've always been intelligent but chose to hide it from the world, I instead use my knowledge to determine how long I can stay in bed before risking being late, 5 minutes and 27 seconds. I slept to the exact millisecond and awoke to an annoyed Liam standing over me, screaming something I couldn't hear, too focused on my pain. Me finishes his scream fest and I calmly say "left shoulder hurts, I'll get ready in a minute". I was met by a disapproving stare as he left the room.

I'm so glad I added time of Liam screaming to the equation. Now, 53 minutes and 58 seconds,  I shower to soothe the pain, no improvement, I put hair mouse in my hair using my right hand since my left felt weak. 44 minutes, 8 seconds, I begin to get changed, struggling, into some grey skinny jeans, a marl grey shirt and a flannel, I turn to the mirror, fix my hair, again using my right arm and get ready for breakfast.

Louis's pov
Everyone had their own morning, I stress and panic that we will be late whilst complaining about Liam stressing and panicking that we will be late, it's a tradition that no one can break. This is whilst I make cereal for Harry and I whilst he plays videogames and Liam makes some bland toast on the perfectly set toaster and gives the correct amount of insulin to himself. Niall just gets what he's in the mood for, usually an apple.. We all end up talking in the car once everyone is in, a typical band morning, I think.

Niall's pov
This morning, we were out of my typical breakfast, an apple so I decided to eat my leftover yogurt from the fridge and a crumpet which Harry baked yesterday whilst notifying Louis, I am in pain, no serious response. The food was quite carby and needed quite a lot of insulin but my dexcom said I was 6.8, good enough for me. I ate within 10 minutes. 10 minutes and 17 seconds remaining, the shoulder is killing me, more painkillers are taken, the timer in my head begins until the next batch.

Harry's pov
Liam is like my dad, I am like his youngest son, It's difficult for me to upset him, I still don't want to be on his bad side, but the world and him can upset me. "Harry, it's time to come off fifa mate, get ya shoes on", Liam shouts in a bland yet loud tone. I run, there is always a risk that he will get angry so we all try and follow his orders.

Niall's pov
Everyone is in the car, a headache joins the pain party and I have my headphones in listening to our album 'FOUR' whilst everyone else casually chats and stares into space. We arrive at the interview, it's live, today will not be fun. I see lou, our band hairdresser and greet her with a nod whilst she begins on Louis'hair. I'm not much of a talker and Lou respects that, I'm grateful.

-----------------Time Skip 30 minutes---------------
Niall's pov;
And get ready to go on stage in 5,4,3,2,1 go, go, go.

The boys and I walk on stage and I notice the interviewer, one who asks too many wrong questions. I honestly though she was fired after our last meeting. I sat down, lights fuel my headache. I'm now unable to move my arm without screaming or shedding a tear, my face stained by today's tears.

The interviewer begins with simple questions which the boys answer, I'm known for being quiet so I seemed normal. One question is then directed to Liam and I, "So boys, you both have diabetes, how do you deal with it?" She was clearly told to be nice this time. Liam resonds with 'Well I recently went to insulin injections and both Niall and I have Dexcom G4s so life has been alot simpler for example I could say Niall, what's your Bg (Blood sugar) and he would read off of his machine and say..." I respond by looking and see the number "17.3", the interview continues but Liam is fuming, I can tell.

The interview will finish in 9 minutes and 56 seconds or 596 seconds and I cannot handle another second, I haven't listened since the diabetes question, too much pain. So I do what any rational adult would do; I stand up, scream in pain and run backstage...

Louis' pov
We were soon nearing the end of the interview and I was making a joke and all of a sudden Niall stood up, turned to face backstage and ran off screaming. Obviously I ran after him, I saw him run to his dressing room, sobbing and walked in. He has one hand on his shoulder, the other holding a phone which seemed to be 111 our non-emergency line. He seemed so upset and I comforted him. He told me this morning and I ignored him.
The boys arrive home and Niall is told that he has a pinched nerve, he is prescribed muscle relaxers which he can begin tomorrow but for now he is in extreme pain and Liam is angry since Niall chose to eat an unhealthy breakfast leading to a massive spike in blood sugar

Liam's Pov;
I'm so mad at Niall he may be hurt but that is no reason to ignore his blood sugar, I always thought he was a bit stupid but not this bad. I screamed at him, he was in alot of pain but he deserved it, he's too weak. If I had a trapped nerve I would not act like a five year old, I would deal with it.

Later in the night, when Niall's shoulder improved and everyone was much calmer, they had a conversation about how they all felt and discovered alot of hurt. Others forgot but Niall and his intelligence like to hold grudges...

Intelligent, diabetic Niall vs the worldWhere stories live. Discover now