Part 4-The incident

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The boys had no major issues traveling to Germany and all fell asleep, this is the second day in Germany.
Paul's pov
The band was preparing for their Berlin concert and Liam was still asleep. Odd, he's usually the first awake. I went to wake him, he has been unwell for some time and is having a checkup after the concert, he clearly needed it since he has been clutching his head whilst asleep. He has also been struggling to remember certain words as well as lyrics causing further concern.

Liam's pov
This morning Paul woke me saying I had to go across the road to the stadium to prepare. My head was killing me and I am honestly worried about it, I've had it since the party with Harry where I lost my car last Thursday, Hangovers never last a week, do they?

Harry's pov;
I've had like a giant burn on my side for some reason for a week and have a few gaps in my memory. I haven't told anyone since it is healing and it's probably a consequence of being drunk. I don't remember much from the party but I know that Liam responsibly didn't drink, I would say it makes him less fun, but I would rather be less fun than be burned. It's funny because I think Liam has lost his car after the party even though he drank nothing, ironic in a way.

Niall's pov
I was talking to the boys about a new strategy I invented to break bad news and trick the media which was to just fake breaking down in public until they work it out ,when Liam walked in. We all said hello and Liam asked what I was talking about so Louis said sarcastically, "Niall's got a rubbish plan to fake an emotional breakdown in public if anything bad happens so we don't get asked about it. It won't work though, they'll just ask more."
"No they won't!" I spoke
Harry chimed in and said, "Nothing bad has happened anyway, this is entirely hypothetical, so why don't we just keep that in our back pockets, agreed?"
He was met with a round of, "Agreed."

Liam's pov
My head's been killing me and I'm honestly scared for this concert, the rehearsals were loud and I forgot lots of words so I had to search them and hide my phone from the boys. I still didn't sing the correct words because all of the room's lights were making my vision blurry and I was struggling to balance, I have gotten much worse today.

Nobody's pov

And boys, get in position, you will be on stage in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Good luck.

The boys were on stage and began singing Midnight Memories. It was Liam's turn to sing but it was silent on stage. The crowd went wild. Liam was simply standing there staring into space he then gained tunnel vision, saw dazzling colours and began to move his hands as if playing a guitar incorrectly and shaking. He proceeded this by collapsing onto the ground.

Harry's pov
It was all so sudden, Liam had some sort of fit on stage and Louis and I carried him backstage. Niall proceeded by telling Louis to call an ambulance and he began to do different checkup things with medical instruments. I am still unsure why he had them.

The european emergency services call
Laura; Hello this is 112, I am Laura, which emergency service do you need and why?

Louis; Hi, look, we need an ambulance mate. My friend Liam just had a fit on stage and my friend Niall's checking vitals and stuff I think. But Liam is now unconscious. Oh and he has diabetes but his blood glucose is 8 and he only has 1 kidney.

Laura; Ok can I have a location please?

Louis; We are in Berlin Stadium backstage, we're actually world famous though so we may need police around the vehicle and everything due to crazy fans and paparazzi.

Laura; Ok please tell your friend to stop checking vitals and put the patient in a recovery position. I don't believe this is diabetes related nor kidney related. Services are on their way. Do you have any nearby bodyguards or medics?

Louis; I honestly don't know where they are and Paul, our bodyguard has apparently been called away half an hour ago.

Laura; Ok thank you for the information, would you like to stay on the line?

Louis; No thank you, we'll wait until the ambulance arrives, Bye.

Nobody's pov
Louis informed the band of the phone call, Harry was stood there in shock. Clutching his side which he was unaware was infected, worried sick. When the ambulance arrived, there were 3 police style cars surrounding it and Louis went in the ambulance with Liam with Harry and Niall close behind.

Niall's pov
"Harry, why are you clutching your side, please say you're not ill?"
"No Niall, I'm fine just tired"
"Ok prove it to me then, show me your side."
I lifted the side of Harry's shirt slightly and saw a giant, clearly infected burn from his armpit to his hip, surrounded by cuts and bruises, considering my intelligence and medical training, I knew at that moment Harry also needed to be admitted to the hospital. I determined that Liam and Harry must have got into a fight or accident to do with Liam's car since it was missing. My conclusion, they must have been in a car accident and either believed it was embarrassing/not important or they had amnesia. My issue was that I would blow my cover, using my medical knowledge to help Liam and reveal my reasonable assumption as to why recent events have occured, what do I do?

To be continued...

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