Part 5-Concussion

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"You should get that checked Harry, it looks infected"
"I'm fine Nialler, we should focus on Liam right now and any-"
"Haz, what happened to Liam's Car"
"I don't know Niall, why're you going all FBI on me?"

Niall to the driver
"Excuse me sir, do you know if you're dropping us off at A and E or a Private hospital? Either would be fine"
"We're going to a Private wing of a hospital with A and E staff available sir."
"Danke, oh sorry, thanks"
H:"What was that about, the 'danke', the question?!"
N:"Harry, I am only telling you this because your memory is wiping itself every 2 hours but, I have every possible degree, several PHDs and most importantly, I have a medical license, I am literally qualified to do brain surgery. You have short term amnesia, an extreme concussion considering I saw sick outside your room which you seem to have forgotten about and you have infected burns so bad, cosmetically your skin may not fully recover, not great for an aspiring Vogue Model/popstar"

In a state of apparent shock, Harry understood every word (somehow) and asked "What the..." before fainting. It was at this moment they were outside of the Private wing of the hospital-at the back. The policeman known as 'Gregory with a thick German accent who had driven them watched as a seemingly strong fake blond man carried his tall male friend to the front desk and explained the urgency. In that moment, Liam was the least of his worries.

___________Danke=thank in German_____________

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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