Extract from Niall's Diary Part 3

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Songs of the day; Bigger Person-Lauren Spencer Smith and Cardigan by Taylor Swift.

Quote of the day; Maybe this time Liam will be the bigger person, less mean to the innocent in the cardigan.

If you haven't noticed, I kind of have two personalities, obviously I am intelligent with both, but I only naturally show my intelligence with one personality, the one that the boys have only seen on the rare occasion. For example, I used the word discluded, a synonym for excluded whilst having an argument with Liam and he laughed at my speech saying I used a completely made up word, so naturally I defended myself and found it in the dictionary and showed it to him, it read;



To not include [x item/person]


"The word is slang, you young people are so clueless" Liam shouted, happy, believing he had beaten me.

"First of all, I'm barely younger than you; second of all, as Taylor Swift once said, 'When you are young they assume you know nothing' and third of all, just because it says it is slang doesn't mean it isn't a word, it says non-standard not non-verbum (non-word)."

"Did you seriously just quote Taylor Swift in an argument"

Yes Liam, I did, at that moment, quote Taylor Swift but luckily he didn't notice my latin. That is why I don't speak much, I don't want to blow my cover. My education must be protected at all costs as well as my favourite food. NANDOS.

Anyway Diary, thanks for letting me vent my emotions. Tomorrow I have to wake at 4:30 am to go to the airport since we're flying Germany. I have packed all of my liquids (mainly food and drink) perfectly as-well as my electronics and I am all ready to go in the morning, just get clothed, brush teeth and sneak some eating in if possible. Thanks, I will not write tomorrow since it isn't part of the schedule but will update when avail.

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