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As the woman moved out of the way, Hisoka began to slowly turn his head making Gon sweat. In front of them, Hisoka turned his head menacingly.

"H-Hisoka..." Killua shook in his stance.

[Name] stood there in shock, looking at the red-haired man almost annoyingly. Hisoka had changed his outfit from the last time she saw him and now wore white pants with a black crop top.

"Why are you here?" Killua asked slowly.

Hisoka stood before the three resentfully of their presence.

"It's hardly that strange..." He coo-ed licking his lips while looking at [Name] making her shiver.

"I love to fight, and this is a temple to fighting..." Hisoka touched up his hair shifting his gaze onto Gon's.

"And why are you here?" He asked smirking.

Hisoka then shifted his black heels, "Just kidding...!" He cheered ever so lightly.

He then looked at Killua, "This was no coincidence. I've been waiting for you."

Gon then jumped when Hisoka shifted his gaze back onto him.

"Remember how you ordered airship tickets over the Cybernet?"

His lips curved into a smile.

"With a little effort, it's possible to determine where and when someone will arrive."

Killua began to grind his teeth in frustration as [Name]'s hands began to sweat.

"I knew you would come here eventually. And so..." He looked at Gon with hooded eyes.

"As a veteran, I have been waiting for you."

The three stood in defensive poses, [Name] taking a step back with fire in her eyes.

"It's still too early for you boys..." He said raising his chin.


He pointed at [Name] making her jump in surprise, "You seem to stand a chance."

Gon and Killua both looked at her, now understanding why she was so special in Hisoka's eyes. [Name] blinked, regaining her temper and sternly speaking out.

"Why is that?"

Hisoka laughed lightly, placing his hand on his hip.

"Don't tell me... you still don't have a clue...?" He said licking his lips again, only this time, his eyes began to wander over to her sword that stood behind her. [Name] only stood there in silence, still not understanding why people kept edging her on about her sword, still finding no answer.

He sighed, throwing his head back before looking at the three again.

"You two should not be able to step on this floor," He stuck out his hand before flicking it upwards only for a massive wind to blow Gon and Killua backwards.

"How early depends on your efforts..." He began walking away.

"Leave for now. As for [Name]..." He looked back once again looking at her. He then turned around again.

"You can stay. I can practically feel your lust oozing out..." He smirked to himself. [Name] twitched her nose, annoyed.

'Lust? I'm a minor...' She thought in her head ready to punch him in his face.

"It's too early right now," He took a seat on the floor.

"That's stupid! We just got up here!" Killua argued as a vein grew on his forehead. [Name] still stood there in silence not knowing what he was on about.

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