Chapter 1

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Hi guys! This is the first chapter of Fall For Me! If you want visuals for the characters of this book please check a book that I made titled "The Book of Visuals". You can find the visuals for all of my books except Liven it Up in there. The visuals are in a chapter titled "Fall For Me". I hope you enjoy this chapter!


I scrubbed the floor. Hard. It was my second time doing it today because someone (insert Irita, my older sister who's treated like a goddess) had trailed muddy tracks on it.

I was tired of feeling like Cinderella, but I knew this was how my life was going to be. It had always been this way, with my sister being the obvious favorite one.

Well, maybe not exactly like Cinderella. After all, I don't even have a handsome prince to whisk me away. Maybe if I wished hard enough—

"Shikha! Come down to the dining table!" Amma said, interrupting my stream of thought. I wondered what was so important that Appa consented to let me sit down at the dining table.

"Shikha! Can you hear me?" Amma calls me again.

"Yes, I'm coming Amma!" I say.

Me sitting at the dining table was just plain old awkward. Appa and Irita both pretended like I wasn't there while Mom gave me kindly smiles.

After what what seems like an eternity, I break the tension and speak up.

"Uh...why did you guys ask me to sit at the dining table? No offense, but usually it means that something really bad happened, you have some sort of news to tell me, or in the unlikely circumstance, both." I say.

"Sweetie" Amma says "We have some important news to tell you. Irita is get—"

"I'm getting married!" Irita squeals, cutting her off.

Amma glares at her. "Yes, she's getting married"

"What? When? How? Iri, you never told me!" I exclaim.

"I found a nice groom for her and we have decided to fix a date for next week." Appa says

"Next week?!?" Irita and I both ask in unison.

"Yes, next week. They requested to have the wedding done fast and I agreed" Appa says, sullen as usual.

"Daddddyyyy! How could you do this to me?" Irita asks, exasperated "I didn't even meet him!"

"Sorry Iru. They own a very big company and they decided to give us their sons' hand in marriage, so that must count for something"

"But Appa, a week? That's so early!" I say.

"Shikha, this is not your place to speak" Appa says sternly.

I immediately shut up because we know what he will do if I cross the line that he has set for me.

Irita glances at me and Appa and promptly gets up and stomps away to her room.

"Irita! Please come back" Appa pleads.

"No! If no one cares what I say, then I have no place at the table" Irita says

What a drama queen. She had to have a fiancée for me to even have a seat at the table and she has the nerve to walk away from it.

I shake my head and walk away. I don't know what Irita is going to do about her "situation" but one thing is sure.

She's not going to just obey what Appa says and act like a model daughter. She's most definitely going to do something that's going to get all of us in trouble.

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