Chapter 18

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Hey guys! After much debate, I have decided that I will be good and update this week. Sorry for such a huge cliffhanger, I can barely juggle school and my extracurriculars so yeah. Also, Blake's ex-wife's name has been changed from Hayley to Maren. I'll change that in previous chapters too after this chapter is published. Thanks guys! Make sure to vote, comment, and follow me for exclusive content such as sneak peeks! Happy reading!



Appa never wants to talk to me.

Something was definitely wrong.   

I followed Appa into the Gopalan's courtyard.

What was going on? Why did he want to talk? Had maybe someone died? Did I need to sacrifice myself for some crazy ritual? He didn't hate me that much, did he?

"What happened Appa?" I ask, nervous.

"Shikha...I know you have my notebook." Appa says, looking disheveled

"I do! Uh...I mean...I do?" I ask.

"Yes, you do. Now, hand it over." Appa says, holding out his hand.

How had he figured it out? I'd taken such precautions to hide it.

It was probably that rat, Irita. She was probably the one who had sold me out.

I knew I couldn't trust her, but this was a bit much.

I sighed. I had no choice but to give it to him.

But then, how would I find out what happened to make him hate me so much?

But then, how would I find out what caused him to hate me so much?

Suddenly, an idea struck me.

"I'll give it to you, but on one condition"

"What?" Appa asks

"You tell me the whole story" I say.


I try to eat, but something keeps holding me back.

I was joking around with Shikha, but after a while, it didn't feel like a joke.

I felt more vulnerable and exposed.

It wasn't a good feeling.

I missed being emotionless.


Being a billionaire wasn't all everyone said it was.

It sucked.

And on top of that, Gopalan Enterprises was failing.

I had to somehow convince Shikha to get on board with combining Sunder Industries with Gopalan Enterprises.

It was not going to be easy.

First, I had to get closer to Shikha and make her trust me.

Then, kaboom, I take Sunder Industries down and elevate Gopalan Enterprises.

Some might call me cold-hearted.

But when did I care what everyone else thought about me?


I never imagined Appa as a weak person. I always pictured him as strong and resilient.

In my memories, he was always the one who never backed down, who never compromised.

But when he told me how he'd been forced to hate me, I saw a completely different version of him.

It was less monstrous and more person-like.

I could almost...relate to him.

And that scared me. Would I also be heartless to my child like him?

I didn't know. 

But I knew that after all the pain I had suffered, I would certainly take measures to protect my child with my life, no matter the circumstances.

So, pushing my impending thoughts aside, I listened to Appa's story.

"Shikha...I'm honestly so sorry for everything I did to you. I was compelled into this."

"Compelled into what?" I ask, confused.

Appa sighs, then starts his story.

"When you were very young, I wasn't the man I am today. I was more carefree and easygoing. I had just started Sunder Industries, so my expenses were more than my revenue. I was in a lot of debt, just trying to provide for you, Irita, and your mother, when this palm reader showed up. He said, 'You were not supposed to have two children; your fate has decreed so. Sacrifice one, and you shall live.' I obviously didn't believe him, so I didn't sacrifice either of you. Unfortunately, it turns out that he was right. The gang of loan sharks that I borrowed money from came to find me. They took me away for several weeks and beat me up. They said they'd kill me and the rest of my family if I didn't give the money I owed to them in 2 days. I didn't know where to go for that kind of money so I searched for the palm reader. I begged him for help. He told me that he would give me the money I owed on one condition: I had to pick one daughter to favor and another to despise. That is the oath that I swore to and have been applying to this day. I picked Irita. Even then, I had favoritism. I am so sorry Shikha, but for everyone to live I had to keep pretending I hated you. Over time, I think I really did. I hope you can forgive me someday."

I gape in disbelief when Appa finishes. I hadn't expected him to have such a raw and heartbreaking reason for hating me.

But something tells me that he's not telling me the whole story.

There's a hooded look in his eyes. I want to ask him what he's hiding, but I know I won't get anything more out of him today.

After a while of silence I finally respond to Appa and say "Maybe one day, I will"

You might think I'm stupid for saying that, and I did too.

But everyone deserves second chances, and I was going to stand by that.

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