Part 2: The meeting

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I let you treat me

Like a Cigar

Using me

when you were bored

stepping on me when you were done. -unknown

Harpers POV:

I wake up with achy limbs and a sore heart. 

The sheets of Jack's empty bed are soft on my skin and the crack of sun through the window warms my skin. I have to force myself to get up and waddle to the bathroom, I comb my wavy blonde hair into a messy bun on top my head before slipping into one of Jack's hoodies and a pair of jeans I left here a couple weeks ago. Soon I'm out the door and headed to my first lecture of the day. 

It's the start of the new semester so there are a couple transfer students running late into the hall although only one of them catches my eye. 

Alex enters the room on his phone but, as soon as he looks up his gaze meets mine and he glances at the empty seat beside me. Before I can stop him he plops down next to me opening his notebook and pulling out a pen. 

"So I see you're still alive." His eyes glance to my face. He's even more beautiful today his perfect blue eyes have glimmer in them and I can see his hair better now it's in fluffy curls that bounce on his head. He's wearing a maroon t-shirt with dark blue jeans. 

"I guess so" I reply with a small smile. 

As the lesson progresses I can't help but sneak glances at Alex each one sends a pang of guilt to my chest. If Jackson knew I was looking at another guy- let alone sitting by him he'd be so mad. He loves you he's just trying to protect you, I remind myself. I watch as the minutes on the clocked tick by without hearing a thing the professor says and as soon as the last word leaves his mouth I bolt out of the room without so much as a goodbye to Alex. 

"Hey babe" Jack's voice greets me once I'm out of the room. 

"Hey baby! I missed you!" I say pulling him in for a hug. His bulk warm body comforts the bubbles of anxiety in my chest. Our finger automatically intertwined when we break from the hug but, of course like all of our happy moments something soon ruins it and Jackson's mood turns sour.

"Hey! Harper!" Alex runs out of the lecture hall, his eyes connecting with mine.

"Oh hey Alex!" My reply leaves my lips before I can stop it and Jackson looks down at me, heat bubbling in his eyes. I know that ones gonna cost me. Jackson glares down at me and his grip moves from my hand to my forearm, tightening in a dead lock grip that will definitely leave a bruise. 

"Hey Man." Jackson's greeting is rough and full of underling meaning, Alex seems to catch on but his eyes glance down to Jackson's hand 

"Well uh nice to see you Harper. I'll uh see you around I guess." And yet again another friend scared away by Jack's first impressions. I swear when you get to know him he's sweet and kind and just amazing. When he's happy


Sorry this is a bit short!! 

Alex's POV is coming up next!!!!

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