Rented a HAUNTED house/Chapter 1

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Kazuha looked at his new house in surprised, the house seemed to have a strange appearance.
"Woah, it looks cool! Yeah, I'm going to rent it for sure!"

The man who was responsible for the house, had agreed with Kazuha, and he had rented the house.
But then, a neighbor of his came closer to Kazuha and said:
"Hey! You're new here? This house is haunted, legends says that a Fatui died 500 years ago and haunts this house... It's dangerous, you know how the Fatui are."

Kazuha laughed. "Oh, come on. It's just some story to scare people, it's not true. A Fatui, dying? 500 years ago? That only gets better, it's all a lie, I'm sure." He chuckled and looked back at the person.

His neighbor sighed and looked desperate.
"Man...the last person who rented this house got traumatized and others were found death in the bathroom!" He seemed serious.

Kazuha chuckled again, he found it all funny.
"No, I'm sure it's not true."
He looked at his neighbor.
"You should do comedy, you're so funny! What's your name?"

The neighbor sighed.
"I'm not joking... But my name is Ayato, I'm the leader of the Kamisato clan. What about you?"

Kazuha smiled. "I'm Kaedehara Kazuha! I'm a crewmember of The Crux, you know, right? The ship from Beidou. And I'm also a samurai."

Ayato smiled. "That's nice! Well but still, mate, don't go in that house, it's not late to go back in time."

Kazuha looked at him and laughed again, he wasn't taking this seriously at all.
"Don't worry, I'm sure there's nothing haunted in it, but I'll be careful if you say so."

Ayato sighed, he knew Kazuha was thinking that this was all a joke. "Okay then... I'm going to see Thoma, I'll see you around."

"Alright, I'll see you around too." Kazuha smiled and waved as Ayato left.

Then, Kazuha was ready to enter the house, he entered it and the ambient seemed nice. It was all cleaned up, it just needed some light, but he would manage to pay the electricity bills.
As he entered, he was looking at every room in it, it was all so nice! The kitchen was huge, the bathroom looked very modern.
Then, Kazuha went to the room that would be his, he liked how it looked, it didn't even seemed haunted at all.
The lights were off, and it was almost night outside too, he was starting to hear some sounds coming from behind him. Kazuha was thinking that this was all some prank, but he was surprised when he started hearing voices.
"Who's there?" Kazuha asked, he didn't want to get a reply tough.

A voice speaks up from behind him. It is deep, harsh, cruel, yet somehow... captivating.
"It's rude to barge in without first greeting your host..."

Kazuha's heart stopped beating for a second. Who the hell was talking? Was the legend real? There was a spirit in his room?
Kazuha didn't look behind, he just stood there without moving.
"Who are you...?" His body and voice were shaking.

The harsh voice laughs.
"Ha! So you do sense my presence after all, you can feel my rage... it makes you terrified."
"Well... what are you waiting for? Turn around. Look me in the face and see the true face of fear itself!"
The voice snarls.

Kazuha was slowly turning around, he was shaking of fear. Was it true what Ayato had said to him? There was really someone haunting the house?
Kazuha finally turned around, but he had his eyes closed.
When he opens his eyes, the first thing he sees is Scaramouche's enraged face.

The spirit in my room [Kazuscara]Where stories live. Discover now